PHP agent v9.18.1.303

August 23, 2021Download

New Relic PHP agent v9.18.1

New features

  • Added a Docker development environment. It's now possible for contributors to both develop and test (unit tests and integration tests) without setting up a specific environment on their own system. Please see our documentation for more information.
  • Route caching in Laravel 7.x is now supported!. Transaction naming now works with routes cached via php artisan route:cache. @stockalexander, thanks for your contribution!
  • Redis::mget and Redis::mset functions are now supported. @b-viguier, thanks for your contribution!

Bug fixes

  • Fixed instances where a memory leak was occurring with our curl multi instrumentation.
  • Fixed an issue where a supportability metric used to track an edge case was causing a segfault.
  • Fixed an issue where PHP versions with an unknown API version were incorrectly handled during Debian package install.
  • Fixed instances where parent.transportDuration values are 0 for transactions between two PHP applications instrumented through distributed tracing. @b-viguier, thanks for your contribution!
  • Fixed an issue where the newrelic.ini configuration file was incorrectly installed. @b-viguier, thanks for your contribution!

Support statement

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is 8.6.0.