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PHP agent v10.10.0.1

May 30, 2023Download

New Relic PHP Agent v10.10.0.1


New features

  • ARM64 binaries are now available for PHP 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2. Please see our docs for installation instructions.

Bug Fixes

  • Additional handling/msg in the case of both DT and CAT being enabled #658

Important end-of-life information

  • Support for PHP versions 5.5 and 5.6 will end June 2023.

Support statement

  • Support for ZTS builds ended with release v9.19.0.309 and those binaries are no longer provided.

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. For more information on supported agent versions and EOL timelines, check out our PHP EOL policy.

  • The PHP agent compatibility and requirements page should be consulted for the latest information on supported PHP versions and platforms.


For installations using an unsupported PHP version or platform (32 bit, FreeBSD, ZTS, etc), it's highly recommended that you disable the auto-update mechanisms for the PHP agent packages. This can be done by adding the PHP agent packages to an exclusion list for package upgrades. Or you could version pin the PHP agent package to an agent version that supports the old, unsupported feature(s). Failure to prevent upgrades may result in a newer agent release being installed and removal of support for the required, unsupported features. This would disrupt APM data collection. The PHP agent packages which are affected are:

  • newrelic-php5
  • newrelic-php5-common
  • newrelic-daemon
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