Node.js agent release notesRSS

February 6, 2015
Node.js agent v1.16.1


  • Now transaction tracing with synthetic monitoring is on by default.

    The previous release had the synthetic transaction tracing feature turned off by default.

Node.js agent v1.16.0


  • Added support for synthetic monitoring transaction tracing.

    Synthetic monitoring lets you monitor your site from around the world. When you use synthetics to monitor your Node application, up to 20 detailed transaction traces will now be captured every minute when the application is probed from synthetics. To learn more about this feature, visit our documentation.

January 30, 2015
Node.js agent v1.15.1


  • Preliminary Node.js 0.12 support.

    HTTP proxies are not supported on 0.12 yet. We don't recommend running the Agent on Node.js 0.11.15+ in production, but if you are testing on it, please let us know of any issues you encounter.

January 23, 2015
Node.js agent v1.15.0


  • Added an API for recording custom Insights events. Read more about this in our documentation

January 16, 2015
Node.js agent v1.14.7

  • Fixed a crash in express instrumentation in the handling of sub-routers.
  • Fixed a crash in http outbound connections when CAT is enabled and another library has frozen the http request headers.
  • Updated version checking to allow versions of the runtime >= 1.0.0. Thanks to Mark Stosberg for this patch!

January 9, 2015
Node.js agent v1.14.6


  • The agent now logs the actual error when log file parsing fails. Thanks to knownasilya for this patch!
  • Fixed a crash where config serialization would fail due to circular objects if domains were enabled.

December 30, 2014
Node.js agent v1.14.5


  • Errors that occur in background transactions now have custom parameters copied onto them in the same manner as web transactions.
  • Memcached instrumentation has been updated to account for additional arguments that might be passed to the command function that the agent wraps.

December 22, 2014
Node.js agent v1.14.4


  • Custom web transactions can have their names changed by nr.setTransactionName(). Thanks to Matt Lavin for this patch!
  • Fixed a bug where Express instrumentation could crash if transaction state was lost in a sub router.

December 18, 2014
Node.js agent v1.14.3


  • Improved the Express instrumentation to be more defensive before doing property lookups, fixing a crash that could happen in an exceptional state.
  • Improved logging when the New Relic agent cannot connect to New Relic servers.
  • Make Cross Application Tracer header injection less aggressive fixing interaction with other libraries such as riak-js.

December 11, 2014
Node.js agent v1.14.2


  • Added support for Hapi v8.
  • briandela contributed a fix for an crash that would occur when using hapi with vhosts.