The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.
- Browser traces
- Bug fix: OC4J does not start (introduced in 2.2.0)
- Bug fix: AbstractMethodError calling getRemoteUser in Tomcat and Glassfish
- Bug fix: Deployment does not use SSL port if SSL is configured (introduced in 2.2.0)
- Bug fix: NullPointerException getting request URI in Jetty 4.x and 5.x
- Bug fix: JSP compiler error with auto RUM in Tomcat 5
- Bug fix: Transaction parameters removed if error is reported but response status < 400
- Bug fix: No request parameters in Resin 3.x
- Bug fix: AbstractMethodError calling getContextPath() with Tomcat 5.x (introduced in 2.2.0)
- Bug fix: Ignore transaction before transaction started stops transaction reporting
The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.
- Bug fix: ClassLoader.loadClass deadlock (introduced in 2.4.0)
The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.
- Bug fix: AssertionError in WebLogic (introduced in 2.2.0)
The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.
- Bug fix: ClassNotFoundException with JBoss AS 7 (introduced in 2.2.0)
- Bug fix: NoClassDefFoundError with Glassfish 3.1.2 (introduced in 2.2.0)
- Bug fix: ClassCastException with Glassfish 3.1.1 (introduced in 2.2.0)
- Bug fix: Agent stops reporting web transactions (introduced in 2.2.0)
- Bug fix: Instrumentation error in Jetty 7.5.4 (introduced in 2.2.0)
- Bug fix: possible unknown host for external call with HttpClient 3.0.1 (introduced in 2.3.0)
- Bug fix: stall error reporting broken
- Bug fix: agent_enabled setting not working
- Add stall_threshold setting for reporting stall errors
The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.
- Bug fix: Agent logging breaks webapp log4j configuration (introduced in 2.3.0)
The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.
- Play! framework support
- Create web transactions using custom instrumentation
- Use log4j instead of Java API logging
- Bug fix: RUM auto instrumentation fixes
- Bug fix: multiple app names in app_name setting out of order (introduced in 2.2.0)
- Bug fix: possible java.lang.IllegalArgumentException with parameterized SQL (introduced in 2.2.0)
- Bug fix: WebSphere instrumentation broken (introduced in 2.2.0)
The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.
- Bug fix: ClassFormatError and NoClassDefFoundError instrumenting proxy classes
- Bug fix: transaction trace threshold not working (introduced in 2.2.0)
- Bug fix: infinite loop instrumenting parameterized SQL statements
The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.
- Performance improvements
- Support server-side configuration
- Bug fix: byte-code instrumentation causes class loading deadlock and OS memory explosion
The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fix: parse inner select SQL statements
- Bug fix: execute SQL statement not recognized
The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.
- Report slow SQL statements
- Performance improvements
- Continue to record metrics after transaction trace limit is reached
- Bug fix: never drop data
- Bug fix: Agent destructively reads request parameters in Resin
- Bug fix: default transaction trace threshold should be apdex_f
- Bug fix: Don't obfuscate digits in SQL statements that are part of table name