Java Vert.x Event Bus integration

Java Vert.x Event Bus Integration provides instrumentation for monitoring the (Vert.x)[] Event Bus, enabling the tracking of event flow across the bus. Specifically designed for Vert.x Verticles that extend AbstractVerticle, this extension instruments each deployed class to monitor all methods except those specifically defined by AbstractVerticle.

Supported methods

The integrations tracks or excludes metrics. Here's a list of each:

Tracked methods:

  • Methods that facilitate event flow tracking
  • Methods that enchance visibility into application behavior and performance.

Excluded methods:

  • Specific lifecycle and configuration methods (start, stop, rxStart, rxStop, config, deploymentID, getVertx, init, processArgs)

Install the Java agent

The Java APM agent must be installed to configure the Java Vert.x extensions. Follow the instructions to install the Java APM Agent.

Once the Java APM agent is installed and configured for your application,create an extensions folder under the newrelic directory if it doesn't already exist:

# Open your Java APM Agent installation location and create 'extensions' folder ( if it is not existing)
cd path/to/newrelic
mkdir extensions

Install and configure Java Vert.x Event Bus integration

To install and configure the Java Vert.x Event Bus integration, follow these steps:

  • Update the Java APM agent's extensions folder location in the provided bash script.

  • Copy the updated commands to a bash script

  • Run the script to integrate the Java Vert.x Event Bus monitoring with New Relic APM.

    # Define variables
    # Retrieve the download URL for the latest release ZIP file
    downloadUrl=$(curl -s "$apiUrl" | grep -o "browser_download_url.*\.zip" | cut -d '"' -f 3)
    echo $downloadUrl
    # Check if the download URL is empty or invalid
    if [ -z "$downloadUrl" ]; then
    echo "Failed to retrieve download URL. Exiting."
    exit 1
    # Download the latest release ZIP file
    curl -L -o "$tempZipPath" "$downloadUrl"
    # Check if the ZIP file was downloaded successfully
    if [ ! -f "$tempZipPath" ]; then
    echo "Failed to download the ZIP file. Exiting."
    exit 1
    # Create a temporary extraction folder
    mkdir -p "$tempExtractPath"
    # Extract the contents of the ZIP file to the temporary folder
    unzip -q "$tempZipPath" -d "$tempExtractPath"
    # Check if the extraction was successful
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Failed to extract the ZIP file. Exiting."
    exit 1
    # Copy all .jar files to the Java APM Agent 'extensions' directory
    find "$tempExtractPath" -name "*.jar" -exec cp {} "$extensionsDir" \;
    # Clean up temporary files
    rm "$tempZipPath"
    rm -r "$tempExtractPath"
    echo "Installation completed successfully."

To install and configure the Java Vert.x Event Bus Integration, follow these steps:

  • Update the Java APM agent's 'extensions' folder location in the provided powershell commands.

    # Define variables
    $apiUrl = ""
    $tempZipPath = "C:\Temp\"
    $tempExtractPath = "C:\Temp\Extracted"
    $extensionsDir = "C:\Path\To\newrelic\extensions"
    # Download the latest release ZIP file from GitHub
    $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $apiUrl
    $downloadUrl = ($response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json).assets[0].browser_download_url
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadUrl -OutFile $tempZipPath
    # Extract the contents of the ZIP file to a temporary folder
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $tempExtractPath -Force
    Expand-Archive -Path $tempZipPath -DestinationPath $tempExtractPath
    # Copy all .jar files to the Java APM Agent 'extensions' directory
    Get-ChildItem -Path $tempExtractPath -Filter "*.jar" | Copy-Item -Destination $extensionsDir
    # Clean up temporary files
    Remove-Item -Path $tempZipPath -Force
    Remove-Item -Path $tempExtractPath -Recurse -Force

From Java Vert.x Event Bus Integration Releases, download to a temporary directory and unzip it. Copy all 'jar' files to New Relic Java APM agent's 'extensions' folder.

Verify your integration

After configuring the Java Vert.x Event Bus Integration, you can visualize your application's Vert.x Event Bus transactions and traces directly within New Relic APM and Services.

Reporting Integration Issues

If you encounter any issues with the Java Vert.x Event Bus Integration, please report them on the GitHub repository. Your feedback helps us identify and address issues promptly, ensuring a smooth and reliable monitoring experience for Vert.x applications. Thank you for contributing to the improvement of our integration.