Upgrade the Kubernetes integration

After a new version of Kubernetes has been released, you can upgrade the Kubernetes version running on control plane nodes and worker nodes in a cluster.

Upgrade our Kubernetes integration

Our Kubernetes integration is under active development and we regularly release updates, which include bug fixes, new features, and support for newer Kubernetes versions and cloud providers. We strongly recommend that you regularly update your Kubernetes integration to get the best experience.

Upgrade using the guided install and Helm

In order to update an installation that was deployed using the Helm command provided by the guided install, go through the process and run the Helm command again. This will pull the new version of the chart and its dependencies and upgrade it to the latest version.

If you want to manually upgrade your Kubernetes integration installed via Helm:

  1. Update the local chart repository:

    helm repo update
  2. Update the release by running the appropriate helm upgrade --install ... command from the section above:

    helm upgrade --install newrelic-bundle newrelic/nri-bundle \
    --namespace newrelic --create-namespace \
    -f values-newrelic.yaml

Upgrade using the guided install and plain manifests


We encourage you to deploy our integration using Helm, as it provides a cleaner upgrade path compared to using manifests directly.

If you used custom manifests instead of Helm:

  1. First, remove the old installation:

    kubectl delete -f previous-manifest-file.yml
  2. Proceed through the guided install again. This will generate an updated set of manifests that you can deploy using:

    kubectl apply -f manifest-file.yml

We don't recommend applying a new version of the manifest file without removing the previous one first, since it might leave some leftover components in your cluster.

If you need an advanced way to create your manifest, template it using Helm.

Upgrade the nri-bundle version

The following are some issues you may encounter when upgrading your nri-bundle, along with how to resolve them.

Changed label selectors

When upgrading to the new version of kube-state-metrics (or KSM), you might see an error like this:

v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"app.kubernetes.io/instance":"newrelic", "app.kubernetes.io/name":"kube-state-metrics"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable

The label selector in the new version of the chart changed, but the name of the deployment did not. Therefore, in order to upgrade you need to remove the kube-state-metrics deployment before running helm upgrade, or to fully uninstall and then reinstall the integration.

Deprecated values

If you encounter the following log:

warning: skipped value for nri-bundle.kube-state-metrics.collectors: Not a table.
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: template: nri-bundle/charts/kube-state-metrics/templates/role.yaml:18:6: executing "nri-bundle/charts/kube-state-metrics/templates/role.yaml" at <has "certificatesigningrequests" $.Values.collectors>: error calling has: Cannot find has on type map

This is because the KSM chart values changed and the map of collectors has been changed to a list of collectors. The collector list is not needed anymore, and it has been removed from the new values.

If you still have those in your static Helm values, or if you are using the flag --reuse-values, you should first remove the following values:

certificatesigningrequests: true
ingresses: false

Unsupported Kubernetes resources

When upgrading the nri-bundle, you might see an error about a certain resource not being supported by a specific Kubernetes API. For example,

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: unable to build kubernetes objects from current release manifest: resource mapping not found for name: "newrelic-bundle-nri-metadata-injection" namespace: "" from "": no matches for kind "MutatingWebhookConfiguration" in version "admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1"

That means the corresponding Kubernetes resource is not supported by the corresponding Kubernetes API. You can follow the instructions in the Helm mapkubeapis Plugin repo to solve the error.