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Changes introduced in the Kubernetes integration version 3

As of version 3, the New Relic Kubernetes integration features an architecture that aims to be more modular and configurable, giving you more power to choose how it is deployed and making it compatible with more environments.

Data reported by the Kubernetes integration version 3 hasn't changed since version 2. For version 3, we focused on configurability, stability, and user experience. See the latest release notes for the integration here.

Migration Guide

To make migrating from earlier versions as easy as possible, we have developed a compatibility layer that translates most of the configurable options in the old newrelic-infrastructure chart to their new counterparts. This compatibility layer is temporary and will be removed in the future. We encourage you to read this guide carefully and migrate the configuration with human supervision. You can read more about the updated newrelic-infrastructure chart here.

Kube State Metrics (KSM) configuration


KSM monitoring works out of the box for most configurations; most users will not need to change this config.

  • disableKubeStateMetrics has been replaced by ksm.enabled. The default is still the same (KSM scraping enabled).
  • kubeStateMetricsScheme, kubeStateMetricsPort, kubeStateMetricsUrl, kubeStateMetricsPodLabel, and kubeStateMetricsNamespace have been replaced by the more comprehensive and flexible ksm.config.
  • Note, KSM v2+ disables labels metrics by default. You can enable the target labels metrics to be monitored by using the metric-labels-allowlist options described here in your Kubernetes clusters.

The ksm.config object has the following structure:

# When autodiscovering KSM, force the following scheme. By default, `http` is used.
scheme: "http"
# Label selector to find kube-state-metrics endpoints. Defaults to `app.kubernetes.io/name=kube-state-metrics`.
selector: "app.kubernetes.io/name=kube-state-metrics"
# Restrict KSM discovery to this particular namespace. Defaults to all namespaces.
namespace: ""
# When autodiscovering, only consider endpoints that use this port. By default, all ports from the discovered `endpoint` are probed.
# port: 8080
# Override autodiscovery mechanism completely and specify the KSM url directly instead
# staticUrl: "http://test.io:8080/metrics"

Control plane configuration

Control plane configuration has changed substantially. If you previously enabled control plane monitoring, we encourage you to take a look at our Configure control plane monitoring documentation.

The following options have been replaced by more comprehensive configuration, covered in the section linked above:

  • apiServerSecurePort
  • etcdTlsSecretName
  • etcdTlsSecretNamespace
  • controllerManagerEndpointUrl, etcdEndpointUrl, apiServerEndpointUrl, and schedulerEndpointUrl

Agent configuration

The agent config file, previously specified in config, has been moved to common.agentConfig. The format of the file has not changed, and the full range of options that can be configured can be found here.

The following agent options were previously "aliased" in the root of the values.yml file, and are no longer available:

  • logFile has been replaced by common.agentConfig.log_file.
  • eventQueueDepth has been replaced by common.agentConfig.event_queue_depth.
  • customAttributes has changed in format to a yaml object. The previous format, a manually JSON-encoded string, for example {"team": "devops"}, is deprecated.
  • Previously, customAttributes had a default clusterName entry that might have unwanted consequences if removed. This is no longer the case; users may now safely override customAttributes in its entirety.
  • discoveryCacheTTL has been completely removed, as the discovery is now performed using Kubernetes informers, which have a built-in cache.

Integrations configuration

Integrations were previously configured under integrations_config, using an array format:

- name: nri-redis.yaml
discovery: # ...
integrations: # ...

The mechanism remains the same, but we have changed the format to be more user-friendly:

discovery: # ...
integrations: # ...

Moreover, the --port and --tls flags are now mandatory in the discovery command. In the past, the following would work:

exec: /var/db/newrelic-infra/nri-discovery-kubernetes

From v3 onwards, you must specify --port and --tls:

exec: /var/db/newrelic-infra/nri-discovery-kubernetes --tls --port 10250

This change is required because in v2 and below, the nrk8s-kubelet component (or its equivalent) ran with hostNetwork: true, so nri-discovery-kubernetes could connect to the kubelet using localhost and plain http. For security reasons, this is no longer the case; hence, the need to specify both flags from now on.

For more details on how to configure on-host integrations in Kubernetes, please check our Monitor services in Kubernetes documentation.

Miscellaneous chart values

While not related to the integration configuration, the following miscellaneous options for the Helm chart have also changed:

  • runAsUser has been replaced by securityContext, which is templated directly into the pods and more configurable.
  • resources has been removed, as now we deploy three different workloads. Resources for each one can be configured individually under:
    • ksm.resources
    • kubelet.resources
    • controlPlane.resources
  • tolerations has been split into three and the previous one is no longer valid. All three default to tolerate any value for NoSchedule and NoExecute:
    • ksm.tolerations
    • kubelet.tolerations
    • controlPlane.tolerations
  • image and all its subkeys have been replaced by individual sections for each of the three images that are now deployed:
    • images.forwarder.* to configure the infrastructure-agent forwarder.
    • images.agent.* to configure the image bundling the infrastructure-agent and on-host integrations.
    • images.integration.* to configure the image in charge of scraping k8s data.
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