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Guided install overview

If you haven't already, sign up for a free New Relic account so you can instrument your systems and send telemetry data to New Relic. Our guided install creates a customized CLI command for your environment that downloads and installs the New Relic CLI and the infrastructure agent. We recommend you check out our Infrastructure monitoring best practices guide before you begin.

Ready to get started? Click the Guided install button. Or, if your organization is located in an EU data center, click EU Guided install.

Guided install

Our guided install discovers the applications, infrastructure and log sources running in your environment, and recommends which ones should be instrumented. The install automates the configuration and deployment of each system you choose to instrument.

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Why it matters

With our guided install, you can instrument your applications and infrastructure and start seeing your data in New Relic in minutes.

The guided install uses our command line interface (CLI), the infrastructure agent for your host environment, and a library of installation recipes to instrument your applications and infrastructure for you. That means less toil for you.

Because our instrumentation recipes are open source, you can modify existing recipes, or build new ones, to suit your needs.

CLI flags

Customize and debug your installation with CLI flags. Use the "assume yes" flag -y for automated installation with sensible defaults, change the verbosity of the output with --debug or --trace, add tags, or use custom install recipes. You can find a full list of available options in our open source repo on GitHub.

Some technical details

The New Relic guided install uses open source installation recipes to instrument on-host integrations. These recipes include installation and setup commands, information about logs, and metadata related to what’s being installed. They are written in YAML format for each type of system to be instrumented and have all of the installation details necessary to install the infrastructure agent for a specific integration. Additional information is available in our open source repo on GitHub.


The guided install automates the discovery, configuration, and installation of New Relic agents and integrations. However, there may be times when you want to instrument them one-by-one using the CLI install command.

To install any individual agents and integrations, you would use a command similar to the following, which specifies the type of integration you want to install. This is the syntax for Linux:

curl -Ls https://download.newrelic.com/install/newrelic-cli/scripts/install.sh | bash && sudo NEW_RELIC_API_KEY=INSERT_YOUR_API_KEY NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID=INSERT_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID NEW_RELIC_REGION=INSERT_YOUR_REGION /usr/local/bin/newrelic install -n INSERT_THE_RECIPE_NAME

For example, to install the Apache integration:

curl -Ls https://download.newrelic.com/install/newrelic-cli/scripts/install.sh | bash && sudo NEW_RELIC_API_KEY=INSERT_YOUR_API_KEY NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID=INSERT_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID /usr/local/bin/newrelic install -n apache-open-source-integration

This is the syntax for Windows:

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 'tls12, tls'; (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("https://download.newrelic.com/install/newrelic-cli/scripts/install.ps1", "$env:TEMP\install.ps1"); & PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File $env:TEMP\install.ps1; $env:NEW_RELIC_API_KEY='INSERT_YOUR_API_KEY'; $env:NEW_RELIC_ACCOUNT_ID='INSERT_YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID'; $env:NEW_RELIC_REGION='INSERT_YOUR_REGION'; & 'C:\Program Files\New Relic\New Relic CLI\newrelic.exe' install


On Windows, our guided install only supports Microsoft SQL Server, logs, and the infrastructure agent.

All other integrations are only supported on Linux.

Our open source agent and integrations send performance metrics and inventory data from your servers and applications to the New Relic platform. You can view pre-built of your metric data, create alert policies, and create your own custom queries and charts.

The table below lists the agents and integrations supported by the guided install CLI command. The specific on-host integration commands are provided for your reference:




newrelic install -n apache-open-source-integration


newrelic install -n cassandra-open-source-integration


newrelic install -n couchbase-open-source-integration


newrelic install -n dotnet-agent-installer


newrelic install -n elasticsearch-open-source-integration


newrelic install -n haproxy-open-source-integration

HashiCorp Consul

newrelic install -n hashicorp-consul-open-source-integration

Infrastructure agent

newrelic install -n infrastructure-agent-installer


newrelic install -n java-agent-installer


newrelic install -n memcached-open-source-integration

Microsoft SQL Server
(Windows only)

newrelic install -n mssql-server-integration-installer


newrelic install -n mongodb-open-source-integration


newrelic install -n mysql-open-source-integration


newrelic install -n nagios-open-source-integration


newrelic install -n nginx-open-source-integration


newrelic install -n node-agent-installer


newrelic install -n php-agent-installer


newrelic install -n postgres-open-source-integration


newrelic install -n rabbitmq-open-source-integration


newrelic install -n redis-open-source-integration

Varnish Cache

newrelic install -n varnish-cache-open-source-integration

Troubleshoot common problems

As we identify areas where the guided install fails, we'll document them here and provide some troubleshooting guidance.

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