Fast-track troubleshooting with Transaction 360

When application performance issues arise, it's crucial to have a systematic approach to identify and resolve the root cause. This guide walks you to view application performance issues using Transaction 360.

Since Transaction 360 automatically captures and correlates all entities and data related to a specific problem or question, it provides a comprehensive view of the workload. This view includes the transaction flow, service relationships, and performance metrics, enabling you to quickly identify and resolve issues.

To access the Transaction Workloads view, follow these steps:

  1. Go to> APM and Services.
  2. From the APM summary page, click Transactions > Transaction Details > View transaction 360 workload.

The Transaction 360 view provides a detailed breakdown of the transaction workload, including the following components:

  • Transaction 360 Overview: Displays the transaction workload summary, including the number of entities involved, alerts, and change tracking.

  • Dynamic flow map: Visualizes the transaction flow, showing the services involved and the time taken by each service.

  • Participating entities: Lists the services involved in the transaction workload, along with their performance metrics.

Transaction 360 Overview


The Transaction 360 Overview section provides the following high-level summary of the associated transaction workload:

  • Dependent entities: The total number of entities involved in the transaction workload providing insights such as number of instrumented and uninstrumented entities, and the number of entities with alerts. Additionally, you can click the instrumented entities to view their detailed performance metrics and related services. You can also click the uninstrumented entities to view the list of entities that are not instrumented, enabling you to identify the entities that require instrumentation. Similarly, you can click the entities with alerts to view the list of entities with alerts, enabling you to prioritize your investigation based on the severity of the alerts.

  • Issues: The number of issues detected in the transaction workload, including alerts and change tracking markers. Click View details to view the list of issues and identify the entities that are directly impacted by the performance issues.

  • Change tracking: The number of change tracking markers detected in the transaction workload, indicating changes in the workload's performance. Click View details to view the change tracking markers and identify the entities that are directly impacted by the performance changes.

Dynamic flow map

The Dynamic Flow map visualizes the transaction flow, showing the services involved and the time taken by each service. The map provides a high-level overview of the transaction workload, enabling you to identify bottlenecks and performance issues.


You can select related services to view the tracing metrics between them. Additionally, you can also assign a Team to the transaction workload to facilitate collaboration and issue resolution, or group related entities using Tags to streamline the investigation process.

The dynamic flow map helps you identify the services that are directly impacted by performance issues, enabling you to focus your investigation on the root cause.

Participating and supporting entities

APM entities

The participating entities section provides a detailed breakdown of the services involved in the transaction workload, such as, APM Services, browser applicatioins, mobile applications, serverless functions, or infrastructure entities.

  • Performance metrics: The APM services table displays the performance metrics for each service, including throughput, error rate, latency, and issues with severity levels, such as critical, warning, and info, to prioritize your investigation.

  • Transaction table: You can also use the Transactions table to identify transactions with the highest percentage change in response time, enabling you to focus your investigation on the most impacted transactions. Additionally, you can select a specific transaction to view its trace flow and performance metrics.

Infrastructure entities

If you have instrumented your infrastructure entities, you can view the performance metrics for your infrastructure entities in the Transaction 360 view. The infrastructure entities section provides a detailed breakdown of the infrastructure entities involved in the transaction workload, such as hosts, containers, and Kubernetes clusters.

  • Performance metrics: The Infrastructure entities table displays the performance metrics for each entity, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and network I/O, to identify performance bottlenecks and resource constraints.

  • Hosts table: You can also use the Hosts table to find the list of infrastructure entities and identify hosts with the highest CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and network I/O, enabling you to focus your investigation on the most impacted hosts. Additionally, you can select a specific host to view its performance metrics and related services.

Browser entities

If you have instrumented your browser applications, you can view the performance metrics for your browser entities in the Transaction 360 view. The browser entities section provides a detailed breakdown of the browser applications involved in the transaction workload.

  • Performance metrics: The Browser entities table displays the performance metrics for each entity, including page load time, page views, and JavaScript errors, to identify performance bottlenecks and user experience issues.

  • Session replay: You can also use the Session replay feature to replay user sessions and identify user interactions that lead to performance issues. Additionally, you can select a specific session to view its performance metrics and related services. For more information, refer to Session Replay.

Mobile entities

If you have instrumented your mobile applications, you can view the performance metrics for your mobile entities in the Transaction 360 view. The mobile entities section provides a detailed breakdown of the mobile applications involved in the transaction workload.

AI monitoring

If your application is making calls to a Large Language Model (LLM) and is instrumented with the APM agent, you can view the performance metrics for your AI entities in the Transaction 360 view. The AI entities section provides a detailed breakdown of the AI models involved in the transaction workload. For more information, refer to AI monitoring.