You can create mobile applications in the NerdGraph API instead of using the UI. The advantage to this is that when it's time to instrument your mobile application with New Relic, you can programmatically create and retrieve the application token to copy and paste into your mobile application.
Create a new mobile application
Here is an example mutation to create a new mobile application. You must provide an account ID and a name for the application.
mutation CreateExampleMobileApplication($accountId: Int!, $name: String!) { agentApplicationCreateMobile(accountId: $accountId, name: $name) { accountId applicationToken guid name }}
{ "accountId": Int!, "name": String!}
Retrieving the application token
You can retrieve a mobile application token with the following query.
query FetchMobileApplicationToken($guid: EntityGuid!) { actor { entity(guid: "") { ... on MobileApplicationEntity { guid name mobileProperties { applicationToken } } } }}
{ "guid": EntityGuid!}
Change a mobile app name
Here's an example mutation that changes the name of your mobile app in New Relic:
mutation UpdateMobileApplicationAlias( $guid: EntityGuid!, $settings: $AgentApplicationSettingsUpdateInput) { agentApplicationSettingsUpdate(guid: $guid, settings: $settings) { alias guid errors { description errorClass field } }}
{ "guid": EntityGuid!, "settings": { "alias": String }}
Examples of configuring mobile monitoring
Here's an example of how to configure settings via NerdGraph:
mutation UpdateMobileSettingsExample( $guid: EntityGuid! $settings: AgentApplicationSettingsUpdateInput!) { agentApplicationSettingsUpdate(guid: $guid, settings: $settings) { guid errors { description errorClass field } alias mobileSettings { networkSettings { aliases { alias hosts } filterMode hideList ignoredStatusCodeRules { hosts statusCodes } showList } useCrashReports } }}
{ "guid": EntityGuid!, "settings": { "alias": String, "mobileSettings": { "networkSettings": { "aliases": [ { "alias": String!, "hosts": [String!]! } ], "filterMode": AgentApplicationSettingsNetworkFilterMode, "hideList": [String!], "ignoredStatusCodeRules": [ { "hosts": [String!]!, "statusCodes": [String!]! } ], "showList": [String!] }, "useCrashReports": Boolean } }}