Missing alert notifications


You've set up policies and conditions that generate incidents, but you aren't getting notifications for them.


  1. Check your muting rules. The rules you define can mute specific incidents or mute notifications altogether. If you turn off your muting rules and start getting notifications again, you may want to rewrite your rules.
  2. Check your issue creation preference. By default, a single issue record is created per policy. This option sends you the fewest number of notifications. If you want more notifications for each condition or incident in a policy, change your preferences.
  3. If you’re still having issues with missing notifications, your email may be on our suppression list. This prevents us from sending emails to your email address. To get your email removed from the list or to troubleshoot any other notification issues, contact our support team at support.newrelic.com.

Here are some tips to avoid being placed on our suppression list:



Confirm real email accounts for new users

Many email bounce-backs happen when a user is added, but before their email is confirmed. This causes the email to be added to our suppression list before the user can receive the confirmation email.

Check your distribution lists

When one email address on a distribution list fails, the entire distribution list is added to our suppression list. To avoid this, make sure invalid or outdated email addresses are removed from your distribution lists.

Add your email to our allow list

Many messages can end up in you or your company’s spam filter. To ensure your system recognizes emails sent by us, add noreply@newrelic.com and *@mailer-d.newrelic.com to your allow list or “Safe Senders” list as a trusted email source.

Consider other delivery options

In general, email isn't the most reliable way to receive notifications. For your most important alerts, set up alternate means of communication as a backup.


We use an email service that manages all of the alerts notification emails. When our service provider receives an error after an email is sent, the address is added to our suppression list. This is done to stay in line with email delivery best practices, which keeps the newrelic.com domain off of email deny lists.