New Relic integration for Microsoft Teams

Integrate New Relic with your Microsoft Teams to receive alerts directly in your Teams channels. This integration helps you to stay informed about the health of your applications and infrastructure.


Add New Relic for Microsoft Teams

To receive alerts in your Teams channels, install the New Relic app in your Microsoft Teams environment.

To add the New Relic for Microsoft Teams app:

  1. In Microsoft Teams, click Apps.

  2. Search for the New Relic for Microsoft Teams app and click Add.

  3. Select a channel to receive notifications. A success message and security code will be posted in the channel.

    A screenshot of an example of New Relic for Microsoft Teams app in Microsoft Teams

Configure Microsoft Teams integration in New Relic

Configure the integration within the New Relic platform to link it with your Microsoft Teams. This involves setting up a destination for alerts.

To configure Microsoft Teams integration in New Relic:

  1. Go to > All capabilities > Alerts > Enrich and Notify > Destinations > Microsoft Teams.
  2. Provide a name for the integration and enter the security code from the Teams app setup.
  3. Click Save destination. A success message appears after validating the security code.

Set up an alert for Microsoft Teams

Configure the alerts to be sent to the channel based on the alert conditions. To know more about alerts, refer to alerts.

To add an alert:

  1. Go to > All capabilities > Alerts > Enrich and Notify > Notification Workflow.

  2. To create a new workflow, click Add a workflow or select an existing workflow to edit.

  3. Provide the required information.

  4. In the Add channel section, click Microsoft Teams:

    1. Select the destination from the Microsoft Teams destination drop-down.
    2. Choose the team and channel from the respective drop-down menus. Ensure the channel name matches the one where the New Relic app is added.
    3. To verify receipt of the notification in your Teams channel, click Send test notification.
    4. Click Save message.
  5. Click Activate Workflow.