
With workflows you control when and where you want to receive notifications about issues, tunnel the right information to the relevant person or team, and enrich your issue's notifications with additional New Relic data.

What is an issue?

Issues are groups of incidents that describe the underlying problem of your symptoms. When a new incident is created, incident intelligence opens an issue and evaluates other open issues for correlations. For more information see Use Incident Intelligence.

How are workflows triggered?

A workflow is triggered by issue events for issues that match the workflow filter and their matching notification triggers. The workflow is configured with recommended triggers by default, but you can control when to trigger a notification for each destination by clicking on the 3 dots and then choosing Notify when. The Activated notification trigger must also be enabled.

The following events trigger the workflow and send notifications to the relevant destination end-points:

Notification trigger



Destinations notified by default


An issue is activated

The issue state changes from CREATED to ACTIVATED

All the destinations


An issue is acknowledged by a user either through the a notification, the issue page, or a third party integration

The issue has been seen by a user and marked as acknowledged

Webhook, PagerDuty, Slack, Email, Mobile App


The issue has been closed.

The issue has been closed due to closing all its incidents, end of TTL, or has been Inactive for too long

All the destinations

Priority changed

The issue's priority has been raised

An incident in the issue has moved from High priority and become a Critical priority issue

Webhook, Event Bridge, ServiceNow, Jira

Other updates

An incident got added to the issue, an incident was closed, or a different issue was merged to this one

An incident has been resolved

Webhook, Event Bridge, ServiceNow, Jira, PagerDuty (account integration)

Required permissions

Using workflows require specific permissions.

  • To access destinations: View permissions for Applied intelligence > Destinations or Alerts.
  • To access workflows: View permissions for Applied intelligence > Workflows.
  • To create workflows: Modify permissions for Applied intelligence > Workflows and Applied intelligence > Channels.
  • To modify workflows: Modify permissions for Applied intelligence > Workflows and all permissions for Applied intelligence > Channels and applied_intelligence.create.workflow.
  • To delete workflows: Delete permissions for Applied intelligence > Workflows and Applied intelligence > Channels.

Add a workflow

The workflows feature is located under the Alerts menu.

  1. Go to > All capabilities > Alerts > Enrich and Notify > Workflow > Add a workflow.

  2. Name your workflow. This field is mandatory and needs to be unique.

  3. With workflows, filter your issues and send them to the relevant destination. You can build a query to filter the right issues.


    To set up seperate notifications on WARNING incidents, filter by issues with a priority equal to HIGH.

  4. Build a query by selecting an attribute, operator, and value/s to narrow down the right issues you want to be passed on.


    The workflows filter auto populates with data from past issues as well as some static values from the condition metadata (such as condition name). If you can't find the value you're looking for, type it in and select Enter new. A warning that the filter doesn't match any past issue sometimes occurs.

  5. Recommended: filter issues by team tag so all teams can be notified when their entities are included in an issue. Steps can be found in the demo below:

    For some tips on using tags, see this support forum post on workflow patterns.

  6. Optional: Enrich your data.

  7. Notify: Choose one or more destinations and add an optional message.


    In any destination channel, start typing and a variable menu will open up. You'll see the names of the variables, which will be replaced with the variable's values at runtime. To use the enrichers' results, use their name.

  8. Click update message once completing the notifier requirements.

  9. Optional: Test your workflow. We'll use existing data from your account to send a sample notification with your new configuration. The test only works if there are existing issues that match the filter. If there isn't any data, you'll see this message: We don't see any issues matching your filter. That doesn't mean it won't work.

  10. Click Update workflow to complete the workflow.


By default, you can have up to 1000 workflows per account. You can request a higher limit by contacting your account representative.

There is also a limit of 4096 characters on the size of filters for workflows. You can't increase this limit.

Issue notifications log

The issue notification log provides users a detailed record to keep track of all notifications generated by workflows. This information troubleshoots issues, monitors workflow performance, and ensures that notifications are being sent to the correct destinations. As a result, users can quickly identify any issues that may arise and take corrective action as needed.

To access the issue notification log, go to > Alerts > Workflows, then click Issue notification log.

The issue notification log displays the following columns:

  1. Time: This column displays the time the workflow notification was sent.
  2. Status: This column displays the status of the notification.
    • Sent: The notification was sent successfully from New Relic.
    • Failed: The notification was not sent successfully from New Relic.
    • Bounced: The receiving email server cannot or will not deliver the email. This usually happens because the email address is invalid or the email inbox is full. Bounced email addresses are dropped in future mailings.
    • Dropped: Email client did not attempt to send the email because the email address has already bounced, because the address has unsubscribed from our emails, or because the address has marked our emails as spam.
    • Deferred: The email didn't go through on the first attempt, due to temporary issues like connectivity. There will be another attempt, so a deferred notification can become successful or bounced later on.
  3. Destination: This column displays the destination type receiving the workflow notification (for example, Slack or email).
  4. Operation: The type of notification that was sent (e.g., Notify, Close, Comment, Ack, Test).
  5. Issue Name: This column displays the name of the issue that triggered the workflow notification.
  6. Trigger Event: This column displays the issue event that triggered the workflow notification. Clicking on the event will provide more information on how workflows are triggered.
  7. Workflow: This column displays the workflow that triggered the notification.
  8. Error Details: This column displays additional details if the notification failed.
  9. Notification Result: This column displays a link to evidence in the third party (for example, a Slack thread or JIRA ticket) if the notification was sent successfully.
  10. Payload: This is available for notifications sent to webhook destinations and displays the JSON payload of the notification that was sent.


You can query all information from the issue notifications using the NrAiNotification event.

Use this query to see all notifications sent from workflows faceted by destination types:

FROM NrAiNotification
SELECT count(*)
FACET destinationType

View additional details

Users can view additional details by clicking on any row in the issue notifications log. This will display the error details (if applicable) and a link to the notification in the third-party.