Update the Python agent

To take full advantage of our latest features, enhancements, and important security patches, we recommend you update your Python agent to the latest version. For additional information about specific agent updates, refer to the Python agent release notes.

Update with Python package index (PyPi)

The Python agent package is listed on PyPi at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/newrelic. To update with a specific package, follow the corresponding instructions:

Python package

Installation procedures


To update the newrelic package directly from PyPi, run:

pip install --upgrade newrelic

If you have New Relic in your requirements.txt file, you can do a mass update of all required packages by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To update using easy_install, run:

easy_install --upgrade newrelic


We recommend using pip rather than using easy_install, because pip will correctly remove old versions when updating the agent software.


Install the package by creating an appropriate section for the newrelic package using the zc.recipe.egg recipe.

Download package manually

To manually download the New Relic Python package:

  1. Remove the current New Relic package.
  2. Download the new package, then follow the Python agent installation procedures.


We recommend using pip rather than using manual installation, because pip will correctly remove old versions when updating the agent software.