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Compatibility and requirements for the Python agent

Before you install our Python agent, make sure your system meets these requirements.

Basic requirements

The Python agent supports many of the most common Python web frameworks. Additional configuration may be required depending on your specific hosting mechanism, hosting service, web framework, or backend services. See the table below for support details.

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Operating systems

UNIX-like operating systems including Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, and macOS. The Python agent does not support Windows environments.


Python (CPython/PyPy) versions supported: 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12.

Recommendation: Use Python version 3.7 or higher with our agent.

  • Python versions 2.6 and 3.3 are supported only by Python agent versions or lower.
  • Python version 3.4 is supported only by Python agent versions or lower.
  • Python version 3.5 is supported only by Python agent versions or lower.
  • Python version 3.6 is supported only by Python agent versions or lower.
  • Python version 2.7 is supported only by Python agent versions 9.13.0 or lower.

Supported web frameworks

Supported web frameworks include:

  • Bottle
  • CherryPy
  • Django
  • Falcon
  • FastAPI
  • Flask
  • GraphQL
  • gRPC
  • Pylons
  • Pyramid
  • Sanic
  • Starlette
  • Tornado 6
  • Web2Py

Unsupported frameworks

Some WSGI servers, frameworks, and apps have special requirements. Although a specific Python WSGI web framework may not be supported, you can still use the agent. For unsupported frameworks, a breakout of time spent in key parts of the framework will not appear in web transaction performance breakdowns and transaction traces.

In addition, the agent will not be able to meaningfully group any web transactions handled by specific handlers in your code that you use to make them more useful and targeted. In these situations you can use the Python agent API to name web transactions or add custom instrumentation.


Web hosting mechanisms compliant with WSGI 1.0 (PEP 333). We support these hosting services:

Security requirements

As a standard security measure for data collection, your app server must support SHA-2 (256-bit). SHA-1 is not supported.

Other monitoring software

If your application uses other monitoring software besides ours, we cannot guarantee that our agent will work correctly and we cannot offer technical support. For more information, see Errors while using other monitoring software.

Python package instrumentation

The agent also provides instrumentation for a range of other Python packages and modules. Instrumentation includes database queries, memcache requests, external service requests, instance-level details, and more. The results will appear automatically in APM's user interface within web transaction performance breakdowns and transaction traces for slow transactions.

Instrumented package version support

The Python agent actively supports and tests instrumented packages within a three year release window.

Agent version support

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. Agent versions are a supported within a one year release window.

Python version support

The agent in general will support all released and active Python branches. However, to keep up with upcoming changes, the agent will also follow this Python version support schedule. The version support policy does not replace our general end-of-life (EOL) policy.

Support for new Python releases

The following are proposed time ranges. The actual release date may vary.

Python version

Active long term support (LTS) start date

Initial release date of Python agent with support


October 2023

November 2023

End of support for Python releases reaching EOL

The following are proposed time ranges. The actual release date may vary.

Python version

End of life (EOL) date

Initial release date of Python agent dropping support


June 27, 2023

March 1, 2025

Connect the agent to other capabilities

The Python agent integrates with other capabilities to give you end-to-end visibility:



AI monitoring

If you have version 9.8.0 of the Python agent, you can collect AI data from certain AI libraries and frameworks:

Browser monitoring

The Python agent automatically injects the browser JavaScript agent when you enable auto-instrumentation. After enabling browser injection, you can view browser data in the APM Summary page and quickly switch between the and data for a particular app. For configuration options and manual instrumentation, see Browser monitoring and the Python agent.

Infrastructure monitoring

When you install the infrastructure monitoring and APM agents on the same host, they automatically detect one another. You can then view a list of hosts in the APM UI, and filter your hosts by APM app in the infrastructure monitoring UI. For more information, see APM data in infrastructure UI.

Synthetic monitoring

Synthetic transaction traces connect requests from synthetic monitors to the underlying APM transaction.

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