Python agent attributes

Attributes are key-value pairs containing information that determines the properties of an event or transaction. We enable users to customize exactly which attributes will be sent to each of these destinations:

These attribute settings apply to Python agent version or higher. To take advantage of all available features, update your Python agent to the latest release.

Python agent web transaction attributes

The following lists the attributes that can be configured in the Python agent for web transactions. For more information, see Python agent configuration: attributes.

Python agent message transaction attributes

The following sections list the attributes that can be configured in the Python agent for message transactions started by incoming message brokers like RabbitMQ. For more information, see Python agent configuration: attributes.

Python agent external trace attributes

The following sections list the attributes that can be configured in the Python agent for traces started by outgoing libraries, like httplib, boto3, requests, and so on, or when using the external trace API. For more information, see Python agent configuration: attributes.

Python agent database trace attributes

The following sections list the attributes that can be configured in the Python agent for traces started by database libraries like mysql, psycopg2, cx_Oracle, and so on, or when using the database trace API. For more information, see Python agent configuration: attributes.

Python agent datastore trace attributes

The following sections list the attributes that can be configured in the Python agent for traces started by datastore libraries like redis, memcache, pymongo, and so on, or when using the datastore trace API. For more information, see Python agent configuration: attributes.

Python agent span attributes

The following sections list the attributes that can be configured in the Python agent for span events. For more information, see Python agent configuration: attributes.

Add custom attributes

To capture additional custom attributes from your application, use newrelic.agent.add_custom_attribute().

For full reference see, Collecting custom attributes.


  • Transaction traces: Enabled
  • Error collector (traced errors): Enabled
  • Transaction events: Enabled
  • Page views (browser monitoring): Disabled


Before creating custom attributes, review our list of reserved terms. Otherwise, unexpected results might occur.

Add custom attributes to exceptions

When using the newrelic.agent.notice_error() API call, you can pass in a dictionary of params that will be recorded as attributes on the traced error.


  • Transaction traces: Unavailable
  • Error collector (traced errors): Enabled
  • Transaction events: Unavailable
  • Page views (browser monitoring): Unavailable

Upgrade your config file

Upgrade your newrelic.ini configuration file when you upgrade to Python agent or higher. For more information about deprecated configuration settings, see Enabling and disabling attributes.