APM agent security: Java

The New Relic Java agent default security settings automatically provide security for your APM data to ensure data privacy and to limit the kind of information New Relic receives. You may have business reasons to change these settings.

If you want to restrict the information that New Relic receives, you can enable high-security mode. If high-security mode or the default settings do not work for your business needs, you can apply custom settings.

For more information about New Relic's security measures, see our security and privacy documentation, or visit the New Relic security website.

Default security settings


Stack traces cannot be obfuscated and may contain sensitive information, including SQL queries. For more information about ignoring errors, see Java agent error configuration.

By default, here is how the New Relic Java agent handles the following potentially sensitive data::

  • Request parameters: The agent does not capture HTTP request parameters.
  • HTTPS: The agent communicates with New Relic using HTTPS.
  • SQL: The agent sets SQL recording to obfuscated, which removes the potentially sensitive numeric and string literal values.

High-security mode settings

When you enable high-security mode, the default settings are locked so that users cannot change them. In addition:

Custom security settings


If you customize security settings, it may impact the security of your application.

If you need different security settings than default or high-security mode, you can customize these settings:


Effects on data security



Default: false

By default, the Java agent does not log all data sent to New Relic in the agent log file.

If you set this to true, the agent logs data sent to the New Relic collector in the agent log file. You can then evaluate the information that the agent sends by reviewing the agent log file to see if it includes sensitive information.



Default: false

To enable high-security mode, set this to true and enable high security in New Relic. This restricts the information you can send to New Relic.



Default: (none)

Some proxies default to using HTTP, which is a less secure protocol.



Default: true

Default for the Custom Instrumentation Editor: false

By default, you are sending attributes to New Relic, except for methods instrumented using the Custom Instrumentation Editor. If you do not want to send attributes to New Relic, set this to false.



Default: (none)

If there are specific attribute keys that you do not want to send to New Relic in transaction traces, identify them using attributes.exclude. This restricts the information sent to New Relic.

Consider if you want to exclude these potentially sensitive attributes using attributes.exclude or if you need the information sent to New Relic:

  • request.headers.*: Removes all request headers.

    (Note that HTTP headers that contain sensitive data such as cookie and authorization are never collected.)

  • response.headers.*: Removes all response headers.

  • request_uri: Removes the path for the transaction's incoming request.



Default: false

By default, you are sending queries to New Relic using record_sql. If you want to log queries in the agent log file as well as send them to New Relic, set this to true.



Default: obfuscated

By default, record_sql is set to obfuscated, which strips out the numeric and string literals.

  • If you do not want the agent to capture query information, set this to off.
  • If you want the agent to capture all query information in its original form, set this to raw.
  • When you enable high-security mode, this is automatically set to obfuscated.



Default: false

By default, this is set to false, which means that the agent sends messages from all exceptions to the New Relic collector. If you enable high-security mode, this is automatically changed to true, and the agent strips the messages from exceptions.

If you are not using high-security mode but still want to strip messages from all exceptions except those in your allow list, set this to true.



Default: true

By default, the agent records events sent to the Event API via recordCustomEvent(). If you enable high-security mode, this is automatically set to false.