New, scalable K8s monitoring UI to dynamically analyze your Kubernetes clusters

June 14, 2023

Analyze your data more granularly to isolate performance issues

We've completely rebuilt our Kubernetes experience to give you a new UI that scales with large clusters. And with user-selectable drop-downs, you can now slice and dice your data in powerful new ways to dynamically analyze your performance.

Key features

  1. See everything at-a-glance: Quickly understand overall cluster health with a completely redesigned visual experience that scales with large clusters.
  2. Explore performance dynamically: See performance in a gradient view of user-selectable Entity Types and Metrics, Grouped by Namespace, Deployment, Pod, and Node (more coming!).
  3. Go beyond nodes and pods: Analyze your cluster's performance broken down by Deployments, Statefulsets, and Daemonsets.
  4. Support for new entities: Understand the status and performance of Jobs, CronJobs, PersistentVolumes, and PersistentVolumeClaims (more coming!).
  5. K8s operator: Get a standardized and easy way to install, manage, and upgrade New Relic's K8s solution.

How to get started

  1. Log into New Relic and select Kubernetes
  2. Select the toggle next to Preview the new Kubernetes experience (New)
  3. Read the documentation to learn more.

A screenshot showing CPU usage by Pod grouped by Namespace.

A screenshot showing CPU usage by Pod grouped by Namespace.
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