Detect patterns and outliers in log data

April 12, 2021

Create queries, alerts, and dashboards using log patterns and outliers

Reduce troubleshooting time with machine learning to automatically detect patterns that are clustered to surface outliers in log data.

Now, you can quickly find the patterns and use them to create queries, alerts and dashboards. This feature is generally available in beta, and you can easily opt in by contacting your account manager to experience how this innovation can serve your business needs on your own data. In the next few weeks a new option will be provided to turn on/off this feature directly in the UI.

Screenshot showing log patterns UI

To learn more about how to leverage patterns for logs in New Relic, head to our docs by clicking Learn More above, or to check it out for yourself in New Relic One, click Get Started above.

Check out the Nerdlog segment to learn more about detecting patterns and outliers in log data:

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