Python agent release notesRSS

March 27
Python agent v10.8.0


This release of the Python agent adds support for Kombu, mysqlclient, PyMySQL, and adds a few safeguards to prevent exceptions.

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.

New features

  • Add support for Kombu

    • Add support for producer and consumer message tracing in Kombu.
    • In the case where Celery and Kombu are used together, a transaction is produced for both Celery and Kombu message consumption and Kombu consumer tracing is turned off by default. It can be enabled via the instrumentation.kombu.consumer.enabled setting. A new setting instrumentation.kombu.ignored_exchanges to ignore certain exchanges was also added and by default it ignores the celeryev queue which is a monitoring queue.
  • Add support for mysqlclient (a MySQLdb fork for Python 3)

    • Instrumentation for the Python 2 library MySQLdb has been adapted to support the Python 3 fork mysqlclient.
  • Update instrumentation for PyMySQL for versions 1.0.3 and above

    • Instrumentation for PyMySQL has been updated for newer versions of the library, and versions below 1.0.3 are no longer supported.

Bug fixes

  • Safeguard startup of agent healthchecks against exceptions

    • Previously, the agent healthchecks could raise exceptions during startup, potentially resulting in agent crashes. This has been fixed.
  • Fix warning message around garbage collection runtime metrics sampler

    • Previously, a warning message was sometimes emitted which was related to the garbage collection runtime metrics sampler. This has been fixed.

Support statement

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Python agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.

March 6
Python agent v10.7.0


This release of the Python agent adds support for asynchronous AWS Bedrock LLM calls in aioboto3, a fix for a segfault with greenlets, a fixed a crash in aiomysql instrumentation, and reformatted the codebase with Ruff.

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.

New features

  • Add support for asynchronous AWS Bedrock LLM calls

    • Adds instrumentation to support calls to invoke_model and invoke_model_with_response_stream made on aioboto3 clients

Bug fixes

  • Fix crash in aiomysql instrumentation

    • Previously, using (the included sqlalchemy engine) with the agent would result in a crash due to a missing __await__ method in the instrumentation. This has been corrected.
  • Fix segfaults with greenlets

    • Previously, a segfault occured when the maximum number of worker processes were called. This was due to a combination of using a weak reference for the agent's trace ID caching and greenlet's greenlet.getcurrent() retrieval function being called after the last greenlet has already been garbage collected. This fix allows the worker process to restart without the segfault occurring.


  • Reformatted entire codebase with Ruff

    • Switched to Ruff linter and reformatted the entire codebase.

Support statement

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Python agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.

February 6
Python agent v10.6.0


This release of the Python agent adds entity linking for AWS Kinesis and AWS Firehose in boto3 and botocore.

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.

New features

  • Add entity linking attributes for AWS Kinesis and AWS Firehose when using boto3 and botocore.

    • Adds attributes linking distributed traces with AWS Kinesis and AWS Firehose entities in the New Relic UI.

Support statement

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Python agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.

January 29
Python agent v10.5.0


This release of the Python agent adds Agent Control health reporting, instrumentation for cassandra-driver, support for new a langchain vectorstore, improves NewRelicContextFormatter stack traces logging, fixes compatibility issues with the structlog ProcessorFormatter, and checks for ExceptionMiddleware removal in starlette.exceptions.

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.

New features

  • Add Agent Control health reporting

    • Adds agent health reporting capability to support the upcoming release of New Relic Fleet Control.
  • Add support for cassandra-driver

  • Add support for new langchain vectorstore

    • Adds instrumentation for TablestoreVectorStore in langchain.
  • Enhance stack traces logged by NewRelicContextFormatter

    • The NewRelicContextFormatter now reports exception causes when logging stack traces. Thanks @sweco for your contribution!

Bug fixes

  • Fix compatibility issues with structlog's ProcessorFormatter

    • Fix was added for the case where the structlog ProcessorFormatter is used as a logging.Formatter for both logging and structlog log entries.
  • Check for ExceptionMiddleware removal in starlette.exceptions

    • After starlette v0.45.0 the import proxy for ExceptionMiddleware was removed from starlette.exceptions (and now only resides in starlette.middleware.exceptions).

Support statement

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Python agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.

December 12, 2024
Python agent v10.4.0


This release of the Python agent adds support for async PyMongo, Motor, aiomysql, a new AWS account ID configuration setting, linking AWS entities for DynamoDB and Lambda, and fixes a path typing issue in newrelic.initialize().

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.

New features

  • Add support for async PyMongo

    • Instrumentation support was added for asynchronous PyMongo. Note that this API is currently in beta and may be subject to future breaking changes, which may affect instrumentation.
  • Add support for Motor

    • Instrumentation support was added for motor.
  • Add support for aiomysql

  • Add new AWS account ID configuration setting

    • Some AWS instrumentations are not able to automatically determine the AWS account ID which is used to link the AWS entity in the service map. When is set, it will be used in certain AWS instrumentations such as DynamoDB to link the DynamoDB AWS entity in the service map.
  • Link AWS entity for DynamoDB

    • Add linking to the AWS entity in the service map for DynamoDB. This linking is done by utilizing the configuration setting.
  • Link AWS entity for Lambda

    • Add linking to the AWS entity in the service map for Lambda. This linking is done by attaching the ARN to the lambda call's span.

Bug fixes

  • Fix path typing issue in newrelic.initialize()

    • Fixes a bug in newrelic.initialize() where pathlike objects were not accepted. This has been corrected to support strings, bytes, or PathLike objects.

Support statement

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Python agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.

November 25, 2024
Python agent v10.3.1


This release of the Python agent fixes a bug in the package version collector that disabled telemetry from being sent to New Relic in certain cases.

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.

Bug fixes

  • Fix agent crash when uploading package version info

    • Previously, if package versioning was a class property then the function itself was sent with the payload. This would then display the __repr__() of the versioning class in the environment stats. In v10.3.0, this task was tweaked and moved to the harvest cycle that caused a failure during the payload conversion to JSON and disabled the telemetry transmission. This release introduces logic to exclude invalid data types from the module payload.

Support statement

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Python agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.

November 18, 2024
Python agent v10.3.0


This release of the Python agent adds support for Valkey, configuration via TOML file, protobuf v5 for infinite tracing, attaching custom attributes and labels to log events, and some minor cleanup of HTTPX instrumentation. HTTP/2 support was validated for Daphne, Hypercorn, and HTTPX. Module information is now collected periodically which fixes a bug where the CPU usage would spike on application startup.

The Python agent now allows you to opt-in to adding your custom tags (labels) to agent-forwarded logs. With custom tags on logs, platform engineers can easily filter, search, and correlate log data for faster and more efficient troubleshooting, improved performance, and optimized resource utilization. To learn more about this feature see the documentation.

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.

New features

  • Add support for Valkey

  • Add TOML configuration file support

    • Support to read TOML configuration is now available. Thanks @Tatsh for the contribution!
  • Add infinite tracing pb2 file for protobuf v5

    • This adds an additional pb2 file used for infinite tracing that is compatible with protobuf v5.
  • Add support for attaching custom attributes to logs

    • A new configuration option has been added called application_logging.forwarding.custom_attributes that will add custom attributes to all log events when set.
  • Add support for attaching labels to log events

    • Labels as attributes can now be added to log events. When application_logging.forwarding.labels.enabled is set the values in labels will be added to all log events. Labels can be excluded by setting application_logging.forwarding.labels.exclude.


  • Minor cleanup of HTTPX instrumentation

    • Some minor cleanup was done in the HTTPX instrumentation.
  • Validate HTTP/2 support

Bug fixes

  • Collect module information from application periodically instead of at startup

    • Previously, the New Relic Python agent collected the application's module information all at once during startup. In some extreme cases this would cause a large spike in CPU usage. This enhancement allows the agent to do this incrementally throughout the application's operation, preventing potential memory spikes during agent startup.

Support statement

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Python agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.

October 15, 2024
Python agent v10.2.0


This release of the Python agent adds a flag for the Azure init container operator.

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.

New features

Support statement

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Python agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.

October 10, 2024
Python agent v10.1.0


This release of the Python agent adds support for Python 3.13, adds a new Large Language Model (LLM) API, supports Docker ID parsing in Amazon ECS Fargate environments, and instruments a new Langchain vectorstore.

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.

New features

  • Add support for Python 3.13

    • The agent now supports applications running in Python 3.13.
  • Add new LLM custom attribute context manager API

    • The agent now includes a new context manager API that adds custom attributes to LLM events generated from calls to LLMs in application code. For more information on usage, please see our API documentation.
  • Add support for reporting of Amazon ECS Fargate Docker IDs

    • The agent now reports Docker IDs for containers running in ECS Fargate environments.
  • Add instrumentation for SQLiteVec vectorstore in Langchain

    • The agent now instruments similarity_search for the SQLiteVec vectorstore.

Support statement

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Python agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.

September 26, 2024
Python agent v10.0.0


This release of the Python agent drops support for Python 2.7 and adds the following:

  • a Kafka server metric
  • host and port attributes for memcache
  • support for kafka-python-ng
  • support for uvicorn_worker
  • an environment variable for garbage collector (GC) runtime metrics
  • automatic detection for the function signature in LangChain's similarity_search
  • updated support for OpenAI's chat class
  • a fix for a bug in gRPC's entity name detection
  • a fix for transaction context propagation loss in LangChain in the case of a new thread
  • parsing of the request and response when running OpenAI via LangChain
  • a fix for pyscopg v3 API incompatibilities
  • a fix that removes versioned logic in loguru instrumentation

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.


New features

  • Add Kafka server metric

    • Adds a metric to capture the host and port information for Kafka entities on both consumers and producers. This metric allows the UI to link AWS information with AWS MSK entities in the service map.
  • Add capturing of memcache host and port

    • Adds capturing of host and port info on the following memcache libraries: bmemcached, aiomcache, and pymemcache. This allows the UI to link AWS information with AWS memcache entities in the service map.
  • Add support for kafka-python-ng

  • Add support for uvicorn_worker

    • uvicorn.workers has been moved to a separate package called uvicorn_worker. This checks for both names of the module when reporting dispatcher information.
  • Automatically detect function signature in LangChain similarity_search

    • Automatically detect the function signature when wrapping similarity_search.
  • Add environment variable for garbage collector runtime metrics

    • Garbage collector runtime metrics can now be enabled/disabled via the following environment variable: NEW_RELIC_GC_RUNTIME_METRICS_ENABLED.

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug in gRPC entity name detection

    • Previously, the gRPC channel entity name was missing the first character(s) in specific cases. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fix issue in LangChain where a thread is started and the transaction context is lost

    • Previously, when LangChain called certain chains, such as retrieval chains, LangChain started a thread that caused the transaction to be lost, resulting in broken instrumentation. This has been fixed so the transaction context is passed across threads and instrumentation still works for retrieval chains.
  • Fix parsing of request and response when running OpenAI via LangChain

    • Previously, when running OpenAI via LangChain the request and response were a different format and were not being recorded. This issue has been fixed.
  • Instrument new path to OpenAI chat completions class

    • OpenAI moved the ChatCompletions class to a different path which prevented the instrumentation from being applied. This has been fixed.
  • Fix pyscopg v3 API incompatibilities

    • Expand DBAPI2 wrappers to allow arbitrary kwargs on executemany(). Upgrade psycopg v3 instrumentation to allow arbitrary kwargs on executemany(). Rename existing psycopg v3 wrapper arguments to match the upstream library's names for compatibility.
  • Remove versioned logic in loguru instrumentation

    • Removed versioned logic in loguru instrumentation to fix a bug that occurred when the version was undeterminable.

Support statement

We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Python agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.