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Node.js agent v9.2.0

October 6, 2022Download


  • Added ability to instrument ES Modules with the New Relic ESM Loader.

  • Added support for custom ESM instrumentation.

    • There is structure to registering custom ESM instrumentation. Set the relative path to the instrumentation entry point via api.esm.custom_instrumentation_entrypoint
    • Sample custom ESM instrumentation entrypoint
    • All the newrelic.instrument* methods will still work except newrelic.instrumentLoadedModule. This is because it is geared toward CommonJS modules.
  • Added test for asserting ESM loader functionality on ESM-only package

  • Added supportability metric of Supportability/Nodejs/Collector/MaxPayloadSizeLimit/<endpoint> when max_payload_size_in_bytes configuration value is exceeded.

  • Removed application_logging.forwarding.enabled stanza from sample config as the feature is now enabled by default.

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.
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