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.NET agent release notesRSS

October 13, 2016
.NET agent v6.2.26.0

New Features

  • Added support for IBM DB2 including slow query support. You'll see relevant breakdowns in the overview chart, entries in the Databases tab, and segments in transaction traces.


  • The enabled attribute of the transactionTracer, when set to false, should disable all transaction trace output. This has been fixed in the .NET agent version


September 29, 2016
.NET agent v6.1.48.0

New Features

  • Added ability to configure the use of Gzip compression instead of Deflate (the default) when sending data to New Relic. This can be useful in cases where DLP software requires Gzip compression for verification.
  • Added ability to configure the use of PUT instead of POST (the default) for sending data to New Relic. This can be useful in cases where DLP software requires PUT for verification.



September 14, 2016
.NET agent v6.0.0.0

New Features

Async support in .NET.

The .NET agent now provides out-of-the-box asynchronous framework instrumentation. With the standard async-await pattern, as introduced in .NET 4.5, calls to async methods can return while work being done in the called method is still in progress. For supported libraries and methods monitored with async custom instrumentation, the .NET agent observes this in-progress asynchronous work and waits for it to complete before recording timings.

To take full advantage of features in this release please see this document.


  • Fixed method segment naming for transaction traces to ensure consistency. For previous versions of the agent with async mode enabled, some method segments in transaction traces had inconsistent categories and different method formatting. Fixed these to make them consistent in async supported agent. Category: DotNet, Slowest components: Type.Method().


August 31, 2016
.NET agent v5.22.6.0

New Features


  • Fixed a spelling error in NewRelic.Providers.Wrapper.WebServices.Instrumentation.xml.
  • Removed duplicate instrumentation out of CoreInstrumentation.xml.
  • Improved transaction handling for rare cases where a segment cannot be associated with its parent. This scenario can occur in applications with complex threading architectures and would previously cause the entire transaction to be dropped. The transaction will now be retained but the orphaned segment and children will be excluded. A warning log message including specifics will be generated for further troubleshooting.


August 23, 2016
.NET agent v5.21.74.0



June 15, 2016
.NET agent v5.20.61.0

New Features

  • Async mode: Added System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData support to .NET Async mode. All transactions named from this instrumentation will now use the more appropriate naming format of: WebService/{ServiceClassName}/{MethodName}.
  • Async mode: Added OpenRasta support to .NET Async mode. This instrumentation now appropriately names transactions using the {Controller}/{Action} format.
  • Moved System.Web.UI.Page.PerformPreInit, System.Web.Compilation.AssemblyBuilder.Compile and System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.CompileWebFile instrumentation configuration elements from the CoreInstrumentation.xml file to the Asp35.Instrumentation.xml file.


  • Async mode: Resolved an issue where the agent incorrectly handled HttpClient async requests that timed-out or were manually cancelled. These would show up as wrapper errors.


April 26, 2016
.NET agent v5.19.47.0

New Features

  • Async mode: Added support for the metricName and transactionNamingPriority custom instrumentation options when async mode is enabled.
  • Async mode: Added support for Castle MonoRail 2.x when async mode is enabled. Note that MonoRail transactions previously named WebTransaction/DotNetController/{controller}/{action} will be renamed to WebTransaction/MonoRail/{controller}/{action} when async mode is enabled.
  • Async mode: Added support for legacy ScriptHandlerFactory instrumentation when async mode is enabled.
  • Removes instrumentation for deprecated methods in Umbraco. The default instrumentation for ASP .NET MVC or ASP .NET Web API will now be used by the agent in its place.


  • Async mode: Fixed an issue where the agent would not clean up SQL connections after explain plan execution when async mode is enabled.
  • Async mode: Fixed a bug which would cause a SerializationException to occur when async mode is enabled which could result in an app crash.


April 13, 2016
.NET agent v5.18.36.0

New Features

  • Async mode: Instrumentation of NServiceBus is now enabled when the AsyncMode flag is true.
  • Async mode: Added support for Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) instrumentation when Async mode is enabled.
  • Async mode: Microsoft Enterprise Library officially supported when Async mode is enabled.


  • Fixed a bug where ASP.NET 4.5+ applications would not get transactions for requests that had invalid query stings (such as "myPage.aspx?test=").
  • Fixed an issue where metrics from database calls using Enterprise Library would display as from vendor "Other." The metrics should now show the appropriate supported vendor (Oracle, MsSql, etc.).
  • Fixed a bug that prevented SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery commands from being instrumented with the default instrumentation xml files.


April 4, 2016
.NET agent v5.17.59.0

New Features

New Features

  • Added support for Stack Exchange Redis strongly named assembly: StackExchange.Redis.StrongName.
  • Added support for the "CustomSegmentTracerFactory" custom instrumentation option. See docs for example usage.
  • Async mode: Added support for NpgsqlCommand asynchronous methods (such as ExecuteReaderAsync) when the agent is in Async mode.
  • Async mode: Explain plans for MS SQL and MySQL commands are now available when the agent is in Async mode.


  • Async mode: Fixed a bug that prevented SQL activity from being recorded in transactions.
  • Fixed a bug where the incorrect namespace of the default asynchronous wrapper was used. The incorrect name was "NewRelic.Agent.Core.Wrapper.DefaultWrapperAsync" and is now "NewRelic.Providers.Wrapper.CustomInstrumentationAsync.DefaultWrapperAsync". Any customers that had created a custom instrumentation file and put the incorrect name in it as a workaround should change it to the correct name.
  • Duplicate custom parameters will now be logged as Debug level, providing a minor performance improvement.


March 11, 2016
.NET agent v5.16.71.0

New Features

  • Async mode: Custom instrumentation is now supported for both synchronous and asynchronous methods when async mode is enabled, however; the metricName and transactionNamePriority elements will not be respected. This is coming in a future release. Please see our custom instrumentation documentation for details.


  • Changes the log messages for when a wrapper / method combination needs to be shut down. The new message provides more information and clarity around the shutdown event.


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