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Go agent release notesRSS

March 17, 2017
Go agent v1.8


  • Fixed incorrect metric rule application when the metric rule is flagged to terminate and matches but the name is unchanged.
  • Segment.End(), DatastoreSegment.End(), and ExternalSegment.End() methods now return an error which may be helpful in diagnosing situations where segment data is unexpectedly missing.

February 16, 2017
February 9, 2017
Go agent v1.6


  • Added support for custom error messages and stack traces. Errors provided to Transaction.NoticeError will now be checked to see if they implement ErrorClasser and/or StackTracer. Thanks to @fgrosse for this proposal.

  • Added support for pkg/errors. Thanks to @fgrosse for this work.

  • Fixed tests for Go 1.8.

October 12, 2016
Go agent v1.4


  • Added support for slow query traces. Slow datastore segments will now generate slow query traces viewable on the datastore tab. These traces include a stack trace and help you to debug slow datastore activity.
  • Added new DatastoreSegment fields ParameterizedQuery, QueryParameters, Host, PortPathOrID, and DatabaseName. These fields will be shown in transaction traces and in slow query traces.

October 7, 2016
Go agent v1.3


  • Added a timeout parameter to the Application.Shutdown method.

October 6, 2016
Go agent v1.2


September 7, 2016
Go agent v1.1


  • Added support for Transaction Traces.
  • Stack trace filenames have been shortened: Any thing preceding the first /src/ is now removed.

August 8, 2016
Go agent v1.0


  • Removed BetaToken from the Config structure.
  • Breaking Datastore change: datastore package contents moved to top level newrelic package. datastore.MySQL has become newrelic.DatastoreMySQL.
  • Breaking Attributes change: attributes package contents moved to top level newrelic package. attributes.ResponseCode has become newrelic.AttributeResponseCode. Some attribute name constants have been shortened.
  • Added "runtime.NumCPU" to the environment tab. Thanks sergeylanzman for the contribution.
  • Prefixed the environment tab values "Compiler", "GOARCH", "GOOS", and "Version" with "runtime."

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