Go agent release notesRSS

December 6, 2021
Go agent v3.15.2



  • Strings logged via the Go agent's built-in logger will have strings of the form license_key=hex-string changed to license_key=[redacted] before they are output, regardless of severity level, where hex-string means a sequence of upper- or lower-case hexadecimal digits and dots ('.'). This incorporates PR #415.

Support Statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you’re getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

October 27, 2021
Go agent v3.15.1



  • Updated support for SQL database instrumentation across the board for the Go Agent’s database integrations to more accurately extract the database table name from SQL queries. Fixes Issue #397.

  • Updated the go.mod file in the nrecho-v4 integration to require version 4.5.0 of the github.com/labstack/echo package. This addresses a security concern arising from downstream dependencies in older versions of the echo package, as described in the release notes for echo v4.5.0.

ARM64 Compatibility Note

The New Relic Go Agent is implemented in platform-independent Go, and supports (among the other platforms which run Go) ARM64/Graviton2 using Go 1.17+.

Support Statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you’re getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

September 2, 2021
Go agent v3.15.0



  • Updated mongodb driver version to 1.5.1 to fix security issue in external dependency. Fixes Issue #358 and Issue #370.

  • Updated the go.mod file in the nrgin integration to require version 1.7.0 of the github.com/gin-gonic/gin package. This addresses CVE-2020-28483 which documents a vulnerability in versions of github.com/gin-gonic/gin earlier than 1.7.0.


  • New integration nrpgx added to provide the same functionality for instrumenting Postgres database queries as the existing nrpq integration, but using the pgx driver instead. This only covers (at present) the use case of the pgx driver with the standard library database/sql. Fixes Issue #142 and Issue #292


  • Enhanced debugging logs so that New Relic license keys are redacted from the log output. Fixes Issue #353.

  • Updated the advice in GUIDE.md to have correct go get commands with explicit reference to v3.

Support Statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

July 20, 2021
Go agent v3.14.1



  • A typographical error in the nrgrpc unit tests was fixed. Fixes Issue #344. This updates the nrgrpc integration to version 1.3.1.

Support Statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

July 12, 2021
Go agent v3.14.0



  • Integration tags and go.mod files for integrations were updated so that pkg.go.dev displays the documentation for each integration correctly.
  • The nrgrpc server integration was reporting all non-OK grpc statuses as errors. This has now been changed so that only selected grpc status codes will be reported as errors. Others are shown (via transaction attributes) as "warnings" or "informational" messages. There is a built-in set of defaults as to which status codes are reported at which severity levels, but this may be overridden by the caller as desired. Also supports custom grpc error handling functions supplied by the user.
    • This is implemented by adding WithStatusHandler() options to the end of the UnaryServerInterceptor() and StreamServerInterceptor() calls, thus extending the capability of those functions while retaining the existing functionality and usage syntax for backward compatibility.
  • Added advice on the recommended usage of the app.WaitForConnection() method. Fixes [https://github.com/newrelic/go-agent/issues/296](Issue #296)


  • Added a convenience function to build distributed trace header set from a JSON string for use with the AcceptDistributedTraceHeaders() method. Normally, you must create a valid set of HTTP headers representing the trace identification information from the other trace so the new trace will be associated with it. This needs to be in a Go http.Header type value.
    • If working only in Go, this may be just fine as it is. However, if the other trace information came from another source, possibly in a different language or environment, it is often the case that the trace data is already presented to you in the form of a JSON string.
    • This new function, DistributedTraceHeadersFromJSON(), creates the required http.Header value from the JSON string without requiring manual effort on your part.
    • We also provide a new all-in-one method AcceptDistributedTraceHeadersFromJSON() to be used in place of AcceptDistributedTraceHeaders(). It accepts a JSON string rather than an http.Header, adding its trace info to the new transaction in one step.
    • Fixes [https://github.com/newrelic/go-agent/issues/331](Issue #331)


  • Improved the NR AWS SDK V2 integration to use the current transaction rather than the one passed in during middleware creation, if nil is passed into nrawssdk-v2.AppendMiddlewares. Thanks to @HenriBeck for noticing and suggesting improvement, and thanks to @nc-wittj for the fantastic PR! #328

Support Statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

June 2, 2021
Go agent v3.13.0



  • Replaced the NR AWS SDK V2 integration for the v3 agent with a new version that works. See the v3/integrations/nrawssdk-v2/example/main.go file for an example of how to use it. Issues #250 and #288 are fixed by this PR. #309

  • Fixes issue #221: grpc errors reported in code watched by UnaryServerInterceptor() or StreamServerInterceptor() now create error events which are reported to the UI with the error message string included. #317

  • Fixes documentation in GUIDE.md for txn.StartExternalSegment() to reflect the v3 usage. Thanks to @abeltay for calling this to our attention and submitting PR #320.


  • The v3/examples/server/main.go example now uses newrelic.ConfigFromEnvironment(), rather than explicitly pulling in the license key with newrelic.ConfigLicense(os.Getenv("NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY")). The team is starting to use this as a general systems integration testing script, and this facilitates testing with different settings enabled.

Support Statement

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

May 3, 2021
Go agent v3.12.0



  • Updated CHANGELOG.md release notes language, to correct typographical errors and clean up grammar. #289


  • When using DAX to query a dynamodb table, the New Relic instrumentation panics with a nil dereference error. This was due to the way that the request is made internally such that there is no HTTPRequest.Header defined, but one was expected. This correction checks for the existence of that header and takes an appropriate course of action if one is not found. #287 Thanks to @odannyc for reporting the issue and providing a pull request with a suggested fix.

Support Statement

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

March 18, 2021
Go agent v3.11.0


New Features

  • Aerospike is now included on the list of recognized datastore names. Thanks @vkartik97 for your PR! #233
  • Added support for version 8 of go-redis. Thanks @ilmimris for adding this instrumentation! #251


  • Changed logging level for messages resulting from Infinite Tracing load balancing operations. These were previously logged as errors, and now they are debugging messages. #276


  • When the agent is configured with cfg.ErrorCollector.RecordPanics set to true, panics would be recorded by New Relic, but stack traces would not be logged as the Go Runtime usually does. The agent now logs stack traces from within its panic handler, providing similar functionality. #278
  • Added license files to some integrations packages to ensure compatibility with package.go.dev. Now the documentation for our integrations shows up again on go.docs.

Support statement

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.

January 11, 2021
Go agent v3.10.0


New Features

  • To keep up with the latest security protocols implemented by Amazon Web Services, the agent now uses AWS IMDSv2 to find utilization data. #249


  • Updated the locations of our license files so that Go docs https://pkg.go.dev will display our agent. Thanks @tydavis for your PR to fix this! #254
  • Added an Open Source repo linter GitHub action that runs on push. #262
  • Updated the README.md file to correctly show the support resources from New Relic. #255

Support statement

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is 2.2.0.

September 3, 2020
Go agent v3.9.0



  • When sending Serverless telemetry using the nrlambda integration, support an externally-managed named pipe.

The articles below provide additional instructions on support for an externally-managed named pipe in lambdas: