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Infrastructure agent release notesRSS

July 17, 2017
Infrastructure agent v1.0.724


New Relic Infrastructure Agent builds are available for multiple platforms. See Update the Infrastructure agent for how to download and update the appropriate version of the agent for your platform.

Note also that this is a Windows and Linux release.


  • Agent proxy config no longer appears in the inventory UI. This is to prevent information leaks

July 5, 2017
Infrastructure agent v1.0.719


New Relic Infrastructure Agent builds are available for multiple platforms. See Update the Infrastructure agent for how to download and update the appropriate version of the agent for your platform.

Note also that this is a Windows and Linux release.


Bug fixes

  • No longer using dmidecode to gather hardware information. Please refer to docs for more details
  • Various other bug fixes

June 12, 2017
Infrastructure agent v1.0.703


New Relic Infrastructure Agent builds are available for multiple platforms. See Update the Infrastructure agent for how to download and update the appropriate version of the agent for your platform.

Note also that this is a Windows and Linux release.


  • Reduce log noise for short lived processes and built-in modules that are not active on the current platform.
  • Agent can be run with empty config files or no config file at all (when using environment variables for necessary configuration options like your license key).
  • Adds configuration option log_to_stdout (default is true). Set this option to false to restrict log output to a file only when log_file is configured.

Bug fixes

  • Fix so no extra command line elements are added when creating an On-Host Integration with no parameters using Python.

May 17, 2017
Infrastructure agent v1.0.690


New Relic Infrastructure Agent builds are available for multiple platforms. See Update the Infrastructure agent for how to download and update the appropriate version of the agent for your platform.

Note also that this is a Windows and Linux release.


  • Better on-host integrations SDK support including pre-creating some require directories, skipping ill-configured integrations, and fixes around how the command for an integration definition is parsed.

Bug fixes

  • Optimization fixes for the amount of time needed to check whether on a cloud instance. Should try once and timeout quickly. Optional disable_cloud_metadata can be used if you need to force turn off collection of cloud-specific metadata.

April 21, 2017
Infrastructure agent v1.0.682


New Relic Infrastructure Agent builds are available for multiple platforms. See Update the Infrastructure agent for how to download and update the appropriate version of the agent for your platform.

Note also that this is a Windows and Linux release.


  • Updates internal process for starting up and reading configuration files.
  • Better handling of some configuration file formatting variants.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue where Windows Storage metrics could fail when encountering removable drives.

April 6, 2017
Infrastructure agent v1.0.677


New Relic Infrastructure Agent builds are available for multiple platforms. See Update the Infrastructure agent for how to download and update the appropriate version of the agent for your platform.

Note also that this is a Windows and Linux release.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes agent crash if default Windows System Drive was other than C:
  • Fixes bug where RPM packages were not starting after upgrades

March 22, 2017
Infrastructure agent v1.0.673


New Relic Infrastructure Agent builds are available for multiple platforms. See Update the Infrastructure agent for how to download and update the appropriate version of the agent for your platform.

Note also that this is a Windows and Linux release. Also note that the build number was "fast forwarded" to fix a version related bug.

Bug fixes

  • High cross platform I/O rate change numbers now reporting correct storage, network, and processes.
  • Improved diagnostics when calculating CPU usage in certain scenarios where it would appear unusually large.
  • Fixes handling of Inventory naming prefix.

March 16, 2017
Infrastructure agent v1.0.341


New Relic Infrastructure Agent builds are available for multiple platforms. See Update the Infrastructure agent for how to download and update the appropriate version of the agent for your platform.

Note also that this is a Windows only release.

Bug fixes

  • High Windows I/O read/write operations numbers now reporting correct network information.

March 9, 2017
Infrastructure agent v1.0.338


New Relic Infrastructure Agent builds are available for multiple platforms. See Update the Infrastructure agent for how to download and update the appropriate version of the agent for your platform.

Note also that this is a Windows and Linux release.


  • Improved handling for configuration files syntax.
  • Agent can recover more gracefully when inventory information is ill formed.
  • lp.exe plugin (Windows Programs Inventory) significantly more performant.
  • Entities (hosts) are less likely to get combined unexpectedly when starting Agent from AMIs or other images.
  • Warns if you try to use "localhost" as the hostname.
  • Network interface information captured as inventory.

March 7, 2017
Infrastructure agent v1.0.336


Agent build 1.0.336 was superseded by 1.0.338. They contain the same improvements, but 1.0.338 includes a Windows release and fixes a dormant issue introduced in 1.0.336.

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