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Ruby agent release notesRSS

February 21, 2023
Ruby agent v9.0.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping agent up to date.

As of this release, the oldest supported version is 6.10.0


Version 9.0.0 of the agent removes several deprecated configuration options and API methods, enables Thread tracing by default, adds Fiber instrumentation, removes support for Ruby versions 2.2 and 2.3, removes instrumentation for several deprecated gems, changes how the API method set_transaction_name works, and updates rails_defer_initialization to be an environment variable only configuration option.



newrelic.yml example



transaction_events.attributes.enabled: false



browser_monitoring.attributes.enabled: false



error_collector.attributes.enabled: false



attributes.include: ['job.resque.args.*']



attributes.include: ['job.sidekiq.args.*']



transaction_tracer.attributes.enabled: false



error_collector.ignore_classes: ['ActionController::RoutingError', 'CustomError']



transaction_events.enabled: false



transaction_events.max_samples_stored: 1200



disable_sequel_instrumentation: true



instrumentation.bunny: disabled



instrumentation.curb: disabled



instrumentation.delayed_job: disabled



instrumentation.excon: disabled



instrumentation.grape: disabled



instrumentation.grape: disabled



instrumentation.httpcient: disabled



instrumentation.httprb: disabled



instrumentation.memcache: disabled



instrumentation.memcache: disabled



instrumentation.memcache-client: disabled



instrumentation.memcache: disabled



instrumentation.memcached: disabled



instrumentation.mongo: disabled



instrumentation.net_http: disabled



instrumentation.net_http: prepend



instrumentation.puma_rack: disabled



instrumentation.puma_rack_urlmap: disabled



instrumentation.rack: disabled



instrumentation.rack_urlmap: disabled



instrumentation.redis: disabled



instrumentation.redis: disabled



instrumentation.resque: disabled



instrumentation.sinatra: disabled



instrumentation.rake: disabled



instrumentation.rake: disabled



instrumentation.typhoeus: disabled

  • Enable Thread instrumentation by default

    The configuration option instrumentation.thread.tracing is now enabled by default. This configuration allows the agent to properly monitor code occurring inside threads. In Ruby agent 9.0, instrumented code within threads will be recorded and associated with the current transaction when the thread was created.

    This may be a breaking change if you are currently using custom thread instrumentation. New transactions inside of threads will no longer be started if one already exists. PR#1767

  • Add Fiber instrumentation

    Fiber instances are now automatically instrumented similarly to Thread instances. This can be configured using instrumentation.fiber. PR#1802

  • Removed support for Ruby 2.2 and 2.3

    Ruby 2.2 and 2.3 are no longer supported by the Ruby agent. To continue using the latest Ruby Agent version, please update to Ruby 2.4.0 or above. PR#1778

  • Removed deprecated instrumentation

    Instrumentation for the following gems had been previously deprecated and has now been removed. PR#1788

    • Acts As Solr
    • Authlogic
    • DataMapper
    • Rainbows
    • Sunspot

    Versions of the following technologies had been previously deprecated and are no longer supported.

    • Passenger: 2.2.x - 4.0.x
    • Puma: 2.0.x
    • Grape: 0.2.0
    • Padrino: 0.14.x
    • Rails: 3.2.x
    • Sinatra: 1.4.x, 1.5.x
    • Mongo: 1.8.x - 2.3.x
    • Sequel: 3.37.x, 4.0.x
    • Delayed_Job: 2.0.x - 4.0.x
    • Sidekiq: 4.2.x
    • Excon: below 0.55.0
    • HttpClient: 2.2.0 - 2.8.0
    • HttpRb: 0.9.9 - 2.2.1
    • Typhoeus: 0.5.3 - 1.2.x
    • Bunny: 2.0.x - 2.6.x
    • ActiveMerchant: 1.25.0 - 1.64.x
  • Updated API method set_transaction_name

    When the method NewRelic::Agent.set_transaction_name is called, it will now always change the name and category of the currently running transaction to what is passed into the method. This is a change from previous agent versions.

    Previously, if set_transaction_name was called with a new transaction name and a new category that did not match the category already assigned to a transaction, neither the new name nor category would be saved to the transaction. If this method is being called in a situation in which it was previously ignored due to category differences, this will now change the name and category of the transaction. PR#1797

  • Removed API method: NewRelic::Agent.disable_transaction_tracing

    The deprecated API method NewRelic::Agent.disable_transaction_tracing has been removed. Instead use either NewRelic::Agent#ignore_transaction to disable the recording of the current transaction or NewRelic::Agent.disable_all_tracing to yield a block without collecting any metrics or traces in any of the subsequent calls. PR#1792

  • Renamed ActiveJob metrics

    Previously, ActiveJob was categorized as a message broker, which is inaccurate. We've updated the naming of ActiveJob traces from leading with MessageBroker/ActiveJob to simply leading with ActiveJob. PR#1811

  • Code cleanup

    Thank you to community member @esquith for contributing some cleanup of orphaned constants in our code base. PR#1793 PR#1794 PR#1808

    Community member @fchatterji helped standardize how we reference NewRelic throughout our codebase PR#1795 and updated our README's community header PR#1815. Thanks fchatterji!

  • Bugfix: Allow rails initialization to be deferred by environment variable

    The Ruby agent may force some Rails libraries to load on agent initialization, preventing some settings defined in config/initializers from being applied. Changing the initialization process to run after config/initializers, however, may break the configuration for other gems (ex. Roadie Rails).

    For those having troubles with agent initialization and Rails initializers, you can now pass the environment variable NEW_RELIC_DEFER_RAILS_INITIALIZATION=true to make the agent initialize after config/initializers are run. This config option can only be set using an environment variable and can't be set using YAML. PR#1791

    Thanks to @jdelStrother for bringing this issue to our attention and testing our fixes along the way. Issue#662

February 6, 2023
Ruby agent v8.16.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping agent up to date.

As of this release, the oldest supported version is


Version 8.16.0 introduces more Ruby on Rails instrumentation (especially for Rails 6 and 7) for various Action*/Active* libraries whose actions produce Active Support notifications events.

  • Add Various Ruby on Rails Library Instrumentations

    New instrumentation is now automatically provided by several Action*/Active* libaries that generate Active Support notifications. With each Ruby on Rails release, new the Rails libraries add new events and sometimes existing events have their payload parameters updated as well. The New Relic Ruby agent will now automatically process more of these events and parameters with New Relic segments created for each event. At a minimum, each segment gives timing information for the event. In several cases, all non-sensitive event payload parameters are also passed along in the segment.

    The agent now newly supports or has updated support for the following libraries:

    • Action Cable (for WebSockets) PR#1749
    • Action Controller (for the 'C' in MVC) PR#1744
    • Action Mailbox (for sending mail) PR#1740
    • Action Mailer (for routing mail) PR#1740
    • Active Job (for background jobs) PR#1742
    • Active Support (for caching operations) PR#1742

    The instrumentations for each of these libaries are all enabled by default, but can be independently disabled via configuration by using the following parameters:

    Configuration nameDefaultBehavior
    disable_action_cablefalseIf true, disables Action Cable instrumentation.
    disable_action_controllerfalseIf true, disables Action Controller instrumentation.
    disable_action_mailboxfalseIf true, disables Action Mailbox instrumentation.
    disable_action_mailerfalseIf true, disables Action Mailer instrumentation.
    disable_activejobfalseIf true, disables Active Job instrumentation.
    disable_active_supportfalseIf true, disables Active Support instrumentation.

January 9, 2023
Ruby agent v8.15.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you are prevented from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are updated to a version at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.

As of this release, the oldest supported version is


Version 8.15.0 of the agent confirms compatibility with Ruby 3.2.0, adds instrumentation for concurrent-ruby, and confirms Sinatra 3 compatibility with Padrino 0.15.2. It also enables batching and compression for Infinite Tracing.

  • Add Support for Ruby 3.2.0

    Following the 3.2.0 release of Ruby, the New Relic Ruby agent has confirmed compatibility with and now supports the official release of Ruby 3.2.0. PR#1715

  • Add instrumentation for concurrent-ruby

    The agent now instruments the concurrent-ruby gem for versions 1.1.5 and above. This instrumentation provides visibility inside blocks passed to many of the gem's API methods, including Concurrent::Promises.future and Concurrent::Future.execute.

Configuration nameDefaultBehavior
instrumentation.concurrent_rubyautoControls auto-instrumentation of the concurrent-ruby library at start up. May be one of auto, prepend, chain, disabled.
  • Infinite Tracing: Use batching and compression

    For Infinite Tracing, which Ruby applications can leverage with the newrelic-infinite_tracing gem, payloads will now be batched and compressed to signficantly decrease the amount of outbound network traffic. PR#1723

Configuration nameDefaultBehavior
infinite_tracing.batchingtrueIf true (the default), the Trace Observer will receive data in batches instead of sending each span individually
infinite_tracing.compression_levelhighConfigure the compression level for data sent to the trace observer. May be one of [none
  • Add Support for Padrino 0.15.2 and Sinatra 3

    We've added testing to confirm Padrino 0.15.2 and Sinatra 3 are compatible with the Ruby agent. Thank you @nesquena for letting us know 0.15.2 was ready! PR#1712

December 14, 2022
Ruby agent v8.14.0


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.

As of this release, the oldest supported version is


Version 8.14.0 of the agent restores desired Capistrano-based changelog lookup functionality when a deployment is performed, speeds up GUID generation, delivers support for instrumenting Rails custom event notifications, fixes potential compatibility issues with the RedisClient gem, and fixes bugs related to initialization in Rails.

  • Deployment Recipe: Restore desired Capistrano-based changelog lookup behavior

    The New Relic Ruby agent offers a Capistrano recipe for recording app deployments. The recipe code was significantly cleaned up with PR#1498 which inadvertently changed the way the recipe handles the changelog for a deployment. Community member @arthurwozniak spotted and corrected this change in order to restore the desired changelog lookup functionality while retaining all of the previous cleanup. Thank you very much for your contribution, @arthurwozniak! PR#1653

  • Speed up GUID generation

    The agent leverages random numbers in its GUID (globally unique identifier) generation and would previously always freshly calculate the result of 16^16 or 32^32 before generating a random number. Given that those 16^16 and 32^32 operations are expected, it makes sense to calculate their results up front and store them in constants to be referred to later. Doing so has resulted in a performance gain for the generation of GUIDs. Many thanks to @tungmq for contributing this optimisation and the benchmarks to support it! PR#1693

  • Support for Rails ActiveSupport::Notifications for custom events

    When the new active_support_custom_events_names configuration parameter is set equal to an array of custom event names to subscribe to, the agent will now subscribe to each of the names specified and report instrumentation for the events when they take place. Creating custom events is simple and now reporting instrumentation for them to New Relic is simple as well. PR#1659

  • Bugfix: Support older versions of the RedisClient gem, handle unknown Redis database index

    With version 8.13.0 of the agent, support was added for the redis-rb gem v5+ and the new RedisClient gem. With versions of RedisClient older than v0.11, the agent could cause the monitored application to crash when attempting to determine the Redis database index. Version 8.14.0 adds two related improvements. Firstly, support for RedisClient versions older than v0.11 has been added to get at the database index value. Secondly, the agent will no longer crash or impact the monitored application in the event that the database index cannot be obtained. Thank you very much to our community members @mbsmartee and @patatepartie for bringing this issue to our attention, for helping us determine how to best reproduce it, and for testing out the update. We appreciate your help! Issue#1650 PR#1673

  • Bugfix: Defer agent startup in Rails until after application-defined initializers have run

    In Rails, the agent previously loaded before any application-defined initializers. This allowed initializers to reference the add_method_tracer API. However, this had the side-effect of forcing some framework libraries to load before initializers ran, preventing any configuration values related to these libraries from being applied. This fix provides an option to split initialization into two parts: load add_method_tracer before application-defined initializers and start the agent after application-defined initializers. This may cause other initializers to behave differently.

    If you'd like to use this feature, set defer_rails_initialization to true. It is false by default, but may become true by default in a future release.

    Furthermore, our Action View instrumentation was missing an ActiveSupport.on_load block around the code that loads our instrumentation.

    Thank you @jdelStrother for bringing this to our attention and collaborating with us on a fix. PR#1658

    Unfortunately, this bugfix is unreachable as written because the configuration value used to access the bugfix won't be applied until after initialization. Follow along for updates at Issue#662.

November 21, 2022
Ruby agent v8.13.1


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If your organization has established practices that prevent you from upgrading to the latest version, ensure that your agents are regularly updated to a version at most 90 days old. Read more about keeping your agent up to date.

As of this release, the oldest supported version is


Version 8.13.1 of the agent provides a bugfix for Redis v5.0 instrumentation.

  • Fix NoMethodError when using Sidekiq v7.0 with Redis Client v0.11

    In some cases, the RedisClient object cannot directly access methods like db, port, or path. These methods are always available on the client.config object. This raised a NoMethodError in environments that used Sidekiq v7.0 and Redis Client v0.11. Thank you to fcheung and @stevenou for bringing this to our attention! Issue#1639

November 15, 2022
Ruby agent v8.13.0


Version 8.13.0 of the agent updates our Rack, Redis, and Sidekiq instrumentation. It also delivers some bugfixes.

  • Support for Redis v5.0

    Redis v5.0 restructures where some of our instrumented methods are located and how they are named. It also introduces a new instrumentation middleware API. This API is used for pipelined and multi calls to maintain reporting parity with previous Redis versions. However, it is introduced later in the chain, so you may see errors that used to appear at the segment level on the transaction instead. The agent's behavior when used with older supported Redis versions will remain unaffected. PR#1611

  • Support for Sidekiq v7.0

    Sidekiq v7.0 removed Delayed Extensions and began offering client and server middleware classes to inherit from. The agent's Sidekiq instrumentation has been updated accordingly. The agent's behavior when used with older Sidekiq versions will remain unaffected. PR#1615 NOTE: an issue was discovered with Sidekiq v7.0+ and addressed by Ruby agent v8.13.1. If you are using Sidekiq, please skip Ruby agent v8.13.0 and use v8.13.1 or above.

  • Support for Rack v3.0: Rack::Builder#new accepting a block

    Via rack/rack#1942 (released with Rack v3.0), Rack::Builder#run now optionally accepts a block instead of an app argument. The agent's instrumentation has been updated to support the use of a block with Rack::Builder#run. PR#1600

  • Bugfix: Correctly identify Unicorn, Rainbows and FastCGI with Rack v3.0

    Unicorn, Rainbows, or FastCGI web applications using Rack v3.0 may previously have had the "dispatcher" value incorrectly reported as "Webrick" instead of "Unicorn", "Rainbows", or "FastCGI". This issue has now been addressed. PR#1585

  • Bugfix: add_method_tracer fails to record code level metric attributes on private methods

    When using add_method_tracer on a private method, the agent was unable to record code level metrics for the method. This resulted in the following being logged to the newrelic_agent.log file.

    WARN : Unable to determine source code info for 'Example', method 'private_method' - NameError: undefined method 'private_method' for class '#<Class:Example\>'

    Thank you @jdelStrother for bringing this issue to our attention and suggesting a fix! PR#1593

  • Bugfix: Category is a required keyword arg for NewRelic::Agent::Tracer.in_transaction

    When support for Ruby 2.0 was dropped in version 8.0.0 of the agent, the agent API methods were updated to use the required keyword argument feature built into Ruby, rather than manually raising ArgumentErrors. The API method NewRelic::Agent::Tracer.in_transaction removed the ArgumentError raised by the agent, but did not update the method arguments to identify :category as a required keyword argument. This is now resolved. Thank you @tatzsuzuki for bringing this to our attention. PR#1587

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the Ruby agent regularly and at a minimum of every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is

October 26, 2022
Ruby agent v8.12.0


Version 8.12.0 of the Ruby agent delivers new Elasticsearch instrumentation. Version 8.12.0 of the Ruby agent also increases the default number of recorded custom events, announces the deprecation of Ruby 2.3, and brings some valuable code cleanup.

  • Support for Elasticsearch instrumentation

    This release of the Ruby agent adds support to automatically instrument the elasticsearch gem. Versions 7.x and 8.x are supported. PR#1525

    Configuration nameDefaultBehavior
    instrumentation.elasticsearchautoControls auto-instrumentation of the elasticsearch library at start up. May be one of auto, prepend, chain, disabled.
    elasticsearch.capture_queriestrueIf true, the agent captures Elasticsearch queries in transaction traces.
    elasticsearch.obfuscate_queriestrueIf true, the agent obfuscates Elasticsearch queries in transaction traces.
  • Custom Event Limit Increase

    This version of the Ruby agent increases the default limit of custom events from 1000 events per minute to 3000 events per minute. If your custom events were being limited, this change will allow more custom events to be sent to New Relic. There is also a new configurable maximum limit of 100,000 events per minute. To change the limits, see the documentation for max_samples_stored. To learn more about the change and how to determine if custom events are being dropped, see our Explorers Hub post. PR#1541

  • Deprecate support for Ruby 2.3

    Ruby 2.3 reached end of life on March 31, 2019. The Ruby agent has deprecated support for Ruby 2.3 and will make breaking changes for this version in its next major release, v9.0.0 (release date not yet planned). All 8.x.x versions of the agent will remain compatible with Ruby 2.3.

  • Cleanup: Remove orphaned code

    In both the agent and unit tests, changes have taken place over the years that have left certain bits of code unreachable. This orphaned code can complicate code maintenance and refactoring, so getting it squared away can be very helpful. Commmuniy member @ohbarye contributed two separate cleanup PRs for this release; one for the agent and one for the tests. PR#1537 PR#1548

    Thank you to @ohbarye for contributing this helpful cleanup!

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the Ruby agent regularly and at a minimum of every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is

October 11, 2022
Ruby agent v8.11.0


Version 8.11.0 of the agent updates the newrelic deployments command to work with API keys issued to newer accounts, fixes a memory leak in the instrumentation of Curb error handling, further preps for Ruby 3.2.0 support, and includes several community member driven cleanup and improvement efforts. Thank you to everyone involved!

  • Added support for New Relic REST API v2 when using newrelic deployments command

    Previously, the newrelic deployments command only supported the older version of the deployments api, which does not currently support newer license keys. Now you can use the New Relic REST API v2 to record deployments by providing your user API key to the agent configuration using api_key. When this configuration option is present, the newrelic deployments command will automatically use the New Relic REST API v2 deployment endpoint. PR#1461

    Thank you to @Arkham for bringing this to our attention!

  • Cleanup: Performance tests, constants, rubocop-minitest assertions and refutations

    Community member @esquith contributed a whole slew of cleanup successes for our performance test configuration, orphaned constants in our code base, and RuboCop related improvements. PR#1406 PR#1408 PR#1409 PR#1411

    Thank you @esquith for these great contributions!

  • CI: Notify on a change from failure to success

    A super handy, much beloved feature of certain CI and build systems is to not only notify when builds start to fail, but also to notify again when the builds once again start to go green. Community member @luigieai was able to figure out how to configure our existing complex, multiple-3rd-party-action based GitHub Actions pipeline to notify on a switch back to success from failure. PR#1519

    This is much appreciated! Thank you, @luigieai.

  • Spelling corrections

    Community member @jsoref, author of the Check Spelling GitHub Action, contributed a significant number of spelling corrections throughout the code base. The intelligent issues that were flagged made for a more comprehensive review than a simple dictionary based check would have been able to provide, and the changes are much appreciated. PR#1508

    Thank you very much, @jsoref!

  • Ruby 3.2.0-preview2 compatibility

    Ruby 3.2.0-preview1 introduced a change to the way that Ruby reports VM stats and the approach was changed yet again to a 3rd approach with the preview2 release. New Relic reports on Ruby VM stats and is keeping track of the Ruby 3.2 development process to help ensure our customers with a smooth and worthwhile upgrade process once Ruby 3.2.0 (non-preview) is released. PR#1436

  • Bugfix: Fix memory leak in the Curb instrumentation

    Community member @charkost was able to rework the on_failure callback logic prepped via the agent's Curb instrumentation in order to avoid some nesting that was causing memory leaks. PR#1518

    Many thanks for both the heads up on the issue and the fix, @charkost!

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is

September 13, 2022
Ruby agent v8.10.1


  • Bugfix: Missing unscoped metrics when instrumentation.thread.tracing is enabled

    Previously, when instrumentation.thread.tracing was set to true, some puma applications encountered a bug where a varying number of unscoped metrics would be missing. The agent now will correctly store and send all unscoped metrics.

    Thank you to @texpert for providing details of their situation to help resolve the issue.

  • Bugfix: gRPC instrumentation causes ArgumentError when other Google gems are present

    Previously, when the agent had gRPC instrumentation enabled in an application using other gems (such as google-ads-googleads), the instrumentation could cause the error ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 2). The gRPC instrumentation has been updated to prevent this issue from occurring in the future.

    Thank you to @FeminismIsAwesome for bringing this issue to our attention.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is

August 17, 2022
Ruby agent v8.10.0


  • New gRPC instrumentation

    The agent will now instrument gRPC activity performed by clients and servers that use the grpc RubyGem. Instrumentation is automatic and enabled by default, so gRPC users should not need to modify any existing application code or agent configuration to benefit from the instrumentation. The instrumentation makes use of distributed tracing for a comprehensive overview of all gRPC traffic taking place across multiple monitored applications. This allows you to observe your client and server activity using any service that adheres to the W3C standard.

    The following new configuration parameters have been added for gRPC. All are optional.

    Configuration nameDefaultBehavior
    instrumentation.grpc_clientautoSet to 'disabled' to disable, set to 'chain' if there are module prepending conflicts
    instrumentation.grpc_serverautoSet to 'disabled' to disable, set to 'chain' if there are module prepending conflicts
    instrumentation.grpc.host_denylist""Provide a comma delimited list of host regex patterns (ex: "private.com$,exception.*")
  • Code-level metrics functionality is enabled by default

    The code-level metrics functionality for the Ruby agent's CodeStream integration is now enabled by default after we have received positive feedback and no open bugs for the past two releases.

  • Performance: Rework timing range overlap calculations for multiple transaction segments

    Many thanks to GitHub community members @bmulholland and @hkdnet. @bmulholland alerted us to rmosolgo/graphql-ruby#3945. That Issue essentially notes that the New Relic Ruby agent incurs a significant perfomance hit when the graphql RubyGem (which ships with New Relic Ruby agent support) is used with DataLoader to generate a high number of transactions. Then @hkdnet diagnosed the root cause in the Ruby agent and put together both a proof of concept fix and a full blown PR to resolve the problem. The agent keeps track multiple segments that are concurrently in play for a given transaction in order to merge the ones whose start and stop times intersect. The logic for doing this find-and-merge operation has been reworked to a) be deferred entirely until the transaction is ready to be recorded, and b) made more performant when it is needed. GraphQL DataLoader users and other users who generate lots of activity for monitoring within a short amount of time will hopefully see some good performance gains from these changes.

  • Performance: Make frozen string literals the default for the agent

    The Ruby frozen_string_literal: true magic source code comment has now been applied consistently across all Ruby files belonging to the agent. This can provide a performance boost, given that Ruby can rely on the strings remaining immutable. Previously only about a third of the agent's code was freezing string literals by default. Now that 100% of the code freezes string literals by default, we have internally observed some related performance gains through testing. We are hopeful that these will translate into some real world gains in production capacities.

  • Bugfix: Error when setting the yaml configuration with transaction_tracer.transaction_threshold: apdex_f

    Originally, the agent was only checking the transaction_tracer.transaction_threshold from the newrelic.yml correctly if it was on two lines.


    # newrelic.yml
    transaction_threshold: apdex_f

    When this was instead changed to be on one line, the agent was not able to correctly identify the value of apdex_f.


    # newrelic.yml
    transaction_tracer.transaction_threshold: apdex_f

    This would cause prevent transactions from finishing due to the error ArgumentError: comparison of Float with String failed. This has now been corrected and the agent is able to process newrelic.yml with a one line transaction_tracer.transaction_threshold: apdex_f correctly now.

    Thank you to @oboxodo for bringing this to our attention.

  • Bugfix: Don't modify frozen Logger

    Previously the agent would modify each instance of the Logger class by adding a unique instance variable as part of the instrumentation. This could cause the error FrozenError: can't modify frozen Logger to be thrown if the Logger instance had been frozen. The agent will now check if the object is frozen before attempting to modify the object. Thanks to @mkcosta for bringing this issue to our attention.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is

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