New features and improvements
Scala Library Instrumentation #362 and #363
- STTP versions 2 & 3 Akka-HTTP, HTTP4s and STTP core backends
- Cats-effect v2
- ZIO v1
- HTTP4s client & server v0.21
- Play 2.3-2.8
- Akka-HTTP v10.1 & v10.2
- For more information, see Scala instrumentation.
Scala API support (see PRs above)
- Scala APIs provided for explicit instrumentation of several of above libraries in case auto-instrumentation is not desired
- Cats-effect v2
- ZIO v1
AWS v2 DynamoDB Instrumentation #343
- Synchronous and asynchronous AWS v2 APIs are auto-instrumented similarly to v1 APIs
- For more information, see Add support for AWS SDK 2 DynamoDB sync/async clients
GraphQL 16 Instrumentation #396
- Create meaningful transaction names
- Create meaningful spans
- Reporting GraphQL errors
- For more information, see GraphQL for Java
JFR feature causing excessive overhead when enabled JFR #203
- Refactored code to use less memory.
The existing MongoDB instrumentation was partially applying when MongoDB Reactive Streams is being used.
- Disable weaving package when MongoDB 4.x+ reactive driver detected #341
- For more information, see Spring Reactive DB Drivers - MongoDB Support
Support statement:
- New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.