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Java agent v2.15.0

February 28, 2013Download
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The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.


  • Cross Application Tracing

    The Cross Application Tracing feature adds request and response headers to external calls using the Apache HttpClient libraries to provided better performance data when calling applications monitored by other New Relic Agents (Java, .NET, and Ruby, with others coming soon).

    The 2.14.0 release links aggregated data across applications. This release also links transaction traces.

    The configuration setting introduced in 2.14.0 to enable/disable Cross Application Tracing in newrelic.yml has changed. The old setting: 'cross_application_tracing: true' is deprecated. The new setting is

    enabled: true

    The default setting is true. Set to false to disable Cross Application Tracing.

  • Instrumentation added for the AmazonS3Client version 1.x

    The New Relic Agent now offers support for version 1.0 to current of the com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3 interface.

  • New Relic Java Agent support a daily roll over log

    To roll over the agent log every day, set the property log_daily to true. Set the property log_file_count to the number of day logs you would like to keep.

  • New Relic Java Agent now communicates with New Relic via HTTPS by default rather than HTTP

    If you have an existing installation and wish to use HTTPS to communicate with New Relic, edit your newrelic.yml file to include

    ssl: true

    in the common section. We recommend this for existing customers in order to improve the security of your communications with New Relic.

  • Java Agent installer improvements

    The Java Agent installer now supports JBoss 7.x AS and JBoss 6.x EAP in standalone mode. Instructions for manually installing the Java Agent on JBoss 7.x AS and JBoss 6.x EAP can be found at https://newrelic.com/docs/java/installing-the-java-agent-on-jboss.

  • Fix: Default hostname reported

    This release reverts the change in 2.14.0 that effected the way that the hostname is reported. With this release, the agent reports the default hostname rather than short form in order to correlate with New Relic server monitoring.

  • Fix: Web transactions naming in Spring MVC version 3.x

    This bug caused customers using Spring 3.0.1 and above to often have web transactions named by the servlet rather than controller method. This has been fixed such that a separate metric is created for each controller method.

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