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Java agent release notesRSS

February 5, 2018
Java agent v3.47.0

Download this agent version


  • Jersey Client

    The agent now provides instrumentation for Jersey Client versions 1.x and 2.x. You will see your calls using the Jersey Client APIs as Externals in New Relic, whether you are using the synchronous or reactive client API.

  • request.uri collected as an agent attribute

    You can now control the collection of request.uri on errors and transaction Traces you would other attributes. For more information on agent attributes see here.


  • Fixes a bug in Jersey 2 instrumentation where external segments could time out, causing an abnormally large "total time" for a transaction. This bug would occur if a client disconnected while being sent a response or if an unstable network is in place where an IOException occurs during response.
  • In some cases, the agent may have incorrectly reported the transaction thread name to New Relic as "New Relic Token Expiration Handler".
  • Agent was incorrectly bundling javax.xml and jregex packages
  • Fixes an issue in the Wildfly instrumentation that could cause async servlet transactions to go unreported.

January 8, 2018
Java agent v3.46.0


  • Websphere 9

With this release, the Java agent now supports Websphere 9, both Traditional and Liberty Profile.

More information on how to install and configure the Java agent on Websphere can be found here: IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes a potential deadlock scenario caused by the Java agent in high throughput applications running on Vert.x.
  • Usage of the setNull() method on the JDBC interface now reports up null in the query string sent to New Relic, instead of incorrectly reporting up the sqlType as the value.
  • Fixes a JVM crash that can occur when running the Java agent with the non-default spring-aop-2 instrumentation enabled.

December 11, 2017
Java agent v3.45.0


  • RabbitMQ

The agent now provides instrumentation for RabbitMQ 5.0.


  • This release changes instrumentation for all supported versions of RabbitMQ to use the exchange name instead of routing keys for the transaction name and produce/consume metrics. This should provide more meaningful transaction names, but will change what transactions you see in New Relic.

  • Now reports queue purge

  • No longer reports misleading MessageBroker consume metric for callbacks/message listeners

  • Adds message properties to tracer attributes, and a configuration to disable them:

    enabled: false

Bug Fixes

  • Exceptions thrown within scala Future/CallbackRunnable code could cause inaccurate transaction times
  • Deadlock could occur when tracking asynchronous activity in Vert.x.

November 7, 2017
Java agent v3.44.1


If you are using Akka Http 10.x, use this 3.44.1 release rather than 3.44.0.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an issue where an Akka HTTP 10.x application could fail at runtime with a NullPointerException.

November 6, 2017
Java agent v3.44.0

Known Issue

This release contains a bug that could cause an Akka HTTP 10 app to fail at runtime with a NullPointerException.

Please use version 3.44.1 instead.


  • Supports Play 2.6, Akka HTTP 10, and Scala 2.12.

The agent now provides instrumentation for Play 2.6.x. It also provides instrumentation for Akka HTTP 10. It supports Scala 2.12.x, so Play and Akka HTTP transactions show full detail, including async activity using Scala Promises and Futures.

  • Lowers overhead for Play, Akka, and Scala.

This agent release imposes lower overhead for applications that use Play, Akka, and Scala. The reduction in overhead will be most notable in lightweight applications and microservices.

Unlike previous versions of the agent, by default the agent will not report Scala Futures as transaction segments, and those Futures will not contribute to the transaction’s reported Total Time. For most customers, this change will provide more concise information in transaction trace details, with no loss of insight. If those segments are valuable to you, and you are willing to incur higher overhead, you can enable that instrumentation with the following setting:

enabled: true

Bug Fixes

  • The 3.43.0 version of the agent caused Tomcat to report a ClassFormatException error at startup. The error did not affect the application or agent.
  • High-throughput applications with daily logging enabled and a specified log limit could cause log files to grow without bound.
  • The agent could leak memory when instrumenting the Ning Async Http Client.
  • Akka HTTP content type was not reported.

September 27, 2017
Java agent v3.43.0


  • Java 9

    The Java agent can now be run with Oracle Java SE 9! You can run your applications on the Java 9 runtime JVM, and run applications compiled at the Java 9 language level.

    By default, this release of New Relic's Java agent does not support applications configured for the new Java 9 modular mode, such as Jigsaw. In order to run in this mode with the agent, your application must be configured to require the java.sql module through one of these two options:

    • Add requires java.sql; to your module-info.java class
    • Use the --add-modules=java.sql command line flag

August 28, 2017
Java agent v3.42.0


  • Hystrix

    With this release, the Java agent now supports Hystrix version 1.5.

  • Improved metadata collection for cloud providers

    The agent now collects additional metadata when running in AWS, GCP, Azure, and PCF. This information is used to provide an enhanced experience when the agent is deployed on those platforms.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug that caused agent to not report error rate metrics. The UI would show application errors, but error rate would show up as 0%. This was introduced in 3.38.0.
  • Improved Hystrix transaction reporting to better handle cases where an Observable is created that never executes.
  • Fixed an issue where JAX-RS subresources would not be picked up for transaction naming, resulting in an incorrect or incomplete transaction name.
  • Fixed a bug with DataNucleus that was preventing instance level and query information from being picked up.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the agent to report external calls made with Commons HTTPClient as "unknown host".

Known Issues

  • Fixed in 3.44.0

    • High-throughput applications with daily logging enabled and a specified log limit could cause log files to grow without bound.
    • The agent could leak memory when instrumenting the Ning Async Http Client.
    • Akka HTTP content type was not reported.
  • Fixed in 3.46.0

    • In rare cases, a Vert.x application running this version of the agent can deadlock.
    • Usage of the setNull() method on the JDBC interface now reports up null in the query string sent to New Relic instead of incorrectly reporting up the sqlType as the value.
    • JVM crash that can occur when running the Java agent with the non-default spring-aop-2 instrumentation enabled.

July 25, 2017
Java agent v3.41.0


Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug in Netty instrumentation that cause erroneous reporting of NettyDispatcher transactions. This affected transactions responding large incoming requests.
  • Fixed bug that caused agent to not report error rate metrics. The UI would show application errors, but error rate would show up as 0%. This was introduced in 3.38.0.

June 26, 2017
Java agent v3.40.0


  • DynamoDB The Java agent now provides visibility into your applications’ usage of DynamoDB when using the client versions 1.11.106 and greater. You will see the calls in the application breakdown, in trace details, on the Databases page, in Transaction maps, and in Service maps.
  • Solr With this release, the java agent now supports Solr versions 6.5.0+.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an instrumentation gap that prevented agent from capturing instance-level information about database queries for non-blocking IO driver configurations.
  • Fixes an issue where usage onCompleted handler(s) with the ning async http client could cause a transaction to end too early, resulting in missed instrumentation.

May 30, 2017
Java agent v3.39.1


  • Fixed an issue in which the agent could in rare cases send a raw SQL query as a transaction attribute when an error was thrown

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