Single polling interval

March 12, 2019


  • In order to optimize the volume of calls to AWS APIs, the cloud integrations setting options have been enhanced. In particular:
    • New Relic will be using the same polling interval for metrics and inventory data from now on.
    • Many options for you to control the amount of inventory data that New Relic collects from your cloud account have been added: tags, extended inventory, regions, entity name prefixes, resource groups, etc. Please find which attributes are fetched by enabling extended inventory in the specific document for each cloud integration.
  • You can enable or disable the collection of extended inventory attributes through New Relic's user interface for AWS DynamoDB, AWS ElastiCache and Google Cloud BigQuery.
  • The AWS Lambda integration has been extended with additional metrics and inventory attributes:
    • The ServerlessSample event type now includes deadLetterErrors and iteratorAge metrics, both for functions and function aliases. Additionally, it includes the concurrentExecutions metric for functions that have a custom concurrency limit specified.
    • For functions, inventory (under aws/lambda/function/) now includes the kmsKeyArn, masterArn, revisionId and layers attributes.
    • For function aliases, inventory (under aws/lambda/alias/) now includes the revisionId and routingConfig attributes.
    • For mappings between an AWS resource and a function, inventory (under aws/lambda/event-source-mapping/) now includes the stateTransitionReason attribute.

Bug fixes

  • Google BigQuery tables with no schema were lacking some inventory attributes.