Diagnostics CLI (nrdiag) v1.6.26

January 6, 2020


  • New Relic Diagnostics installation zip now includes 64 bit binary for Mac OS.
  • New Relic Infrastructure log collection now supports latest New Relic Infrastructure agent.
  • Output of Infra/Config/ValidateJMX, when saved in nrdiag-output.json or nrdiag-otuput.zip, no longer contains JMX server credentials.
  • Java/Config/Validate now has clearer help/explanation verbiage.
  • When a New Relic Java agent configuration file is detected, Java/Env/Process now validates that there is at least one running java process that includes the New Relic Java agent flag.
  • New Relic Diagnostics now uses the diagnostics.service.newrelic.com host for uploading support ticket attachments (when applicable), instead support.newrelic.com.