PHP agent v11.6.0.19

February 18, 2025Download

New Relic PHP agent v11.6.0.19

New features

  • Added support for aws-sdk-php SQS version 3 instrumentation
  • Added support for php-amqplib version 3.7 RabbitMQ instrumentation
  • Added support for Yii version 1.1 instrumentation
  • The agent will now generate MessageBroker metrics and attributes


  • Daemon Golang version upgraded to 1.23.6

Bug fixes

  • Fixed daemon to enable go vet check on pull requests
  • Fixed memory leak in Laravel Queue Instrumentation
  • Fixed nr_header_create_distributed_trace_map memory leak

Support statement


For installations using an unsupported PHP version or platform, it's highly recommended that you disable the auto-update mechanisms for the PHP agent packages. This can be done by adding the PHP agent packages to an exclusion list for package upgrades. Or you could version pin the PHP agent package to an agent version that supports the old, unsupported feature(s). Failure to prevent upgrades may result in a newer agent release being installed and the removal of support for the required, unsupported features. This would disrupt APM data collection.

The PHP agent packages that are affected are:

  • newrelic-php5
  • newrelic-php5-common
  • newrelic-daemon