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Go agent v2.6

March 12, 2019Download


New Features

  • Added support for async: the ability to instrument multiple concurrent goroutines, or goroutines that access or manipulate the same Transaction.

    The new Transaction.NewGoroutine() Transaction method allows transactions to create segments in multiple goroutines!

    NewGoroutine returns a new reference to the Transaction. This must be called any time you are passing the Transaction to another goroutine which makes segments. Each segment-creating goroutine must have its own Transaction reference. It does not matter if you call this before or after the other goroutine has started.

    All Transaction methods can be used in any Transaction reference. The Transaction will end when End() is called in any goroutine.

    Example passing a new Transaction reference directly to another goroutine:

    go func(txn newrelic.Transaction) {
    defer newrelic.StartSegment(txn, "async").End()
    time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

    Example passing a new Transaction reference on a channel to another goroutine:

    ch := make(chan newrelic.Transaction)
    go func() {
    txn := <-ch
    defer newrelic.StartSegment(txn, "async").End()
    time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
    ch <- txn.NewGoroutine()
  • Added integration support for aws-sdk-go and aws-sdk-go-v2.

    When using these SDKs, a segment will be created for each out going request. For DynamoDB calls, these will be Datastore segments and for all others they will be External segments.

    • v1 Documentation
    • v2 Documentation
    • Added span event and transaction trace segment attribute configuration. You may control which attributes are captured in span events and transaction trace segments using the Config.SpanEvents.Attributes and Config.TransactionTracer.Segments.Attributes settings. For example, if you want to disable the collection of "db.statement" in your span events, modify your config like this:
    cfg.SpanEvents.Attributes.Exclude = append(cfg.SpanEvents.Attributes.Exclude,

    To disable the collection of all attributes from your transaction trace segments, modify your config like this:

    cfg.TransactionTracer.Segments.Attributes.Enabled = false

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent External Segments from being created under certain error conditions related to Cross Application Tracing.


  • Improved linking between Cross Application Transaction Traces in the APM UI. When Config.CrossApplicationTracer.Enabled = true, External segments in the Transaction Traces details will now link to the downstream Transaction Trace if there is one. Additionally, the segment name will now include the name of the downstream application and the name of the downstream transaction.

  • Update attribute names of Datastore and External segments on Transaction Traces to be in line with attribute names on Spans. Specifically:

    • "uri" => "http.url"
    • "query" => "db.statement"
    • "database_name" => "db.instance"
    • "host" => "peer.hostname"
    • "port_path_or_id" + "host" => "peer.address"
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