





  • YMLファイルには、大文字と小文字の区別があります。
  • すべてのインデントは 2 文字ずつ増加します。 ファイルの同じセクション内のデータは、同じレベルのインデントを使用する必要があります。 サブセクションをさらに 2 つのスペースでインデントします。

構造、ディレクトリ、および設定の詳細については、 Javaエージェントの設定 を参照してください。

# This file configures the New Relic agent. New Relic monitors
# Java applications with deep visibility and low overhead. For more details and additional
# configuration options visit https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/java-agent/configuration/java-agent-configuration-config-file.
# <%= generated_for_user %>
# This section is for settings common to all environments.
# Do not add anything above this next line.
common: &default_settings
# ============================== LICENSE KEY ===============================
# You must specify the license key associated with your New Relic
# account. For example, if your license key is 12345 use this:
# license_key: '12345'
# The key binds your agent's data to your account in the New Relic UI.
license_key: '<%= license_key %>'
# Agent enabled
# Use this setting to disable the agent instead of removing it from the startup command.
# Default is true.
agent_enabled: true
# Set the name of your application as you'd like it to show up in the New Relic UI.
# If enable_auto_app_naming is false, the agent reports all data to this application.
# Otherwise, the agent reports only background tasks (transactions for non-web applications)
# to this application. To report data to more than one application
# (useful for rollup reporting), separate the application names with ";".
# For example, to report data to "My Application" and "My Application 2" use this:
# app_name: My Application;My Application 2
# This setting is required. Up to 3 different application names can be specified.
# The first application name must be unique.
app_name: My Application
# To enable high security, set this property to true. When in high
# security mode, the agent will use SSL and obfuscated SQL. Additionally,
# request parameters and message parameters will not be sent to New Relic.
high_security: false
# Set to true to enable support for auto app naming.
# The name of each web app is detected automatically
# and the agent reports data separately for each one.
# This provides a finer-grained performance breakdown for
# web apps in New Relic.
# Default is false.
enable_auto_app_naming: false
# Set to true to enable component-based transaction naming.
# Set to false to use the URI of a web request as the name of the transaction.
# Default is true.
enable_auto_transaction_naming: true
# The agent uses its own log file to keep its logging
# separate from that of your application. Specify the log level here.
# This setting is dynamic, so changes do not require restarting your application.
# The levels in increasing order of verboseness are:
# off, severe, warning, info, fine, finer, finest
# Default is info.
log_level: info
# Log all data sent to and from New Relic in plain text.
# This setting is dynamic, so changes do not require restarting your application.
# Default is false.
audit_mode: false
# The number of backup log files to save.
# Default is 1.
log_file_count: 1
# The maximum number of kbytes to write to any one log file.
# The log_file_count must be set greater than 1.
# Default is 0 (no limit).
log_limit_in_kbytes: 0
# Override other log rolling configuration and roll the logs daily.
# Default is false.
log_daily: false
# The name of the log file.
# Default is newrelic_agent.log.
log_file_name: newrelic_agent.log
# The log file directory.
# Default is the logs directory in the newrelic.jar parent directory.
# Provides the ability to forward application logs to New Relic, generate log usage metrics,
# and decorate local application log files with agent metadata for use with third party log forwarders.
# The application_logging.forwarding and application_logging.local_decorating should not be used together.
# Provides control over all the application logging features for forwarding, local log
# decorating, and metrics features. Set as false to disable all application logging features.
# Default is true.
enabled: true
# The agent will automatically forward application logs to New Relic in
# a format that includes agent metadata for linking them to traces and errors.
# When true, application logs will be forwarded to New Relic. The default is true.
enabled: true
# Application log events are collected up to the configured amount. Afterwards,
# events are sampled to maintain an even distribution across the harvest cycle.
# Default is 10000. Setting to 0 will disable.
#max_samples_stored: 10000
# Provides the ability to add custom tags(labels) to agent forwarded logs. Labels are
# pulled from the top-level 'labels' section (located near the bottom of this config file).
# Default is false.
# When true, custom tags (labels) will be added to agent forwarded logs.
enabled: false
# A comma separated list of label keys that should NOT be added to application logs.
# Example:
# exclude: label_name1, label_name2
# Whether the log events should include context from loggers with support for that.
# When true, application logs will contain context data.
enabled: false
# A comma separated list of attribute keys whose values should be sent to New Relic.
# A comma separated list of attribute keys whose values should not be sent to New Relic.
# The agent will generate metrics to indicate the number of
# application log events occurring at each distinct log level.
# When true, application log metrics will be reported. The default is true.
enabled: true
# The agent will add linking metadata to each log line in your application log files.
# This feature should only be used if you want to use a third party log forwarder, instead
# of the agent's built-in forwarding feature, to send your application log events to New Relic.
# When true, the agent will decorate your application log files with linking metadata. The default is false.
#enabled: false
# Adds integration with CodeStream, introducing Code-Level Metrics! Golden Signals visible in your
# IDE through New Relic CodeStream.
# When true the agent will capture namespace and function information
# on spans to enable code level metrics in CodeStream.
enabled: true
# Proxy settings for connecting to the New Relic server:
# If a proxy is used, the host setting is required. Other settings
# are optional. Default port is 8080. The username and password
# settings will be used to authenticate to Basic Auth challenges
# from a proxy server. Proxy scheme will allow the agent to
# connect through proxies using the HTTPS scheme.
#proxy_host: hostname
#proxy_port: 8080
#proxy_user: username
#proxy_password: password
#proxy_scheme: https
# Limits the number of lines to capture for each stack trace.
# Default is 30
max_stack_trace_lines: 30
# Provides the ability to configure the attributes sent to New Relic. These
# attributes can be found in transaction traces, traced errors,
# transaction events, and page views.
# When true, attributes will be sent to New Relic. The default is true.
enabled: true
#A comma separated list of attribute keys whose values should
# be sent to New Relic.
# A comma separated list of attribute keys whose values should
# not be sent to New Relic.
# Defines which sets of http attributes the agent will send: standard, legacy or both (default).
# Having the agent send both sets will increase ingestion.
# Having the agent send only legacy may impact current or future functionality.
http_attribute_mode: both
# Transaction tracer captures deep information about slow
# transactions and sends this to the New Relic service once a
# minute. Included in the transaction is the exact call sequence of
# the transactions including any SQL statements issued.
# Transaction tracer is enabled by default. Set this to false to turn it off.
# This feature is not available to Lite accounts and is automatically disabled.
# Default is true.
enabled: true
# Threshold in seconds for when to collect a transaction
# trace. When the response time of a controller action exceeds
# this threshold, a transaction trace will be recorded and sent to
# New Relic. Valid values are any float value, or (default) "apdex_f",
# which will use the threshold for the "Frustrated" Apdex level
# (greater than four times the apdex_t value).
# Default is apdex_f.
transaction_threshold: apdex_f
# When transaction tracer is on, SQL statements can optionally be
# recorded. The recorder has three modes, "off" which sends no
# SQL, "raw" which sends the SQL statement in its original form,
# and "obfuscated", which strips out numeric and string literals.
# Default is obfuscated.
record_sql: obfuscated
# Set this to true to log SQL statements instead of recording them.
# SQL is logged using the record_sql mode.
# Default is false.
log_sql: false
# Threshold in seconds for when to collect stack trace for a SQL
# call. In other words, when SQL statements exceed this threshold,
# then capture and send to New Relic the current stack trace. This is
# helpful for pinpointing where long SQL calls originate from.
# Default is 0.5 seconds.
stack_trace_threshold: 0.5
# Determines whether the agent will capture query plans for slow
# SQL queries. Only supported for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
# Default is true.
explain_enabled: true
# Threshold for query execution time below which query plans will
# not be captured. Relevant only when `explain_enabled` is true.
# Default is 0.5 seconds.
explain_threshold: 0.5
# Use this setting to control the variety of transaction traces.
# The higher the setting, the greater the variety.
# Set this to 0 to always report the slowest transaction trace.
# Default is 20.
top_n: 20
# Error collector captures information about uncaught exceptions and
# sends them to New Relic for viewing.
# This property enables the collection of errors. If the property is not
# set or the property is set to false, then errors will not be collected.
# Default is true.
enabled: true
# Use this property to exclude specific exceptions from being reported as errors
# by providing a comma separated list of full class names.
# The default is to exclude akka.actor.ActorKilledException. If you want to override
# this, you must provide any new value as an empty list is ignored.
- "akka.actor.ActorKilledException"
# Use this property to exclude specific http status codes from being reported as errors
# by providing a comma separated list of status codes.
# The default is to exclude 404s. If you want to override
# this, you must provide any new value because an empty list is ignored.
ignore_status_codes: 404
# Transaction events are used for histograms and percentiles. Non-aggregated data is collected
# for each web transaction and sent to the server on harvest.
# Set to false to disable transaction events.
# Default is true.
enabled: true
# Events are collected up to the configured amount. Afterwards, events are sampled to
# maintain an even distribution across the harvest cycle.
# Default is 2000. Setting to 0 will disable.
max_samples_stored: 2000
# Distributed tracing lets you see the path that a request takes through your distributed system.
# This replaces the legacy Cross Application Tracing feature.
# Set to false to disable distributed tracing.
# Default is true.
enabled: true
# Agent versions 5.10.0+ utilize both the newrelic header and W3C Trace Context headers for distributed tracing.
# The newrelic distributed tracing header allows interoperability with older agents that don't support W3C Trace Context headers.
# Agent versions that support W3C Trace Context headers will prioritize them over newrelic headers for distributed tracing.
# If you do not want to utilize the newrelic header, setting this to true will result in the agent excluding the newrelic header
# and only using W3C Trace Context headers for distributed tracing.
# Default is false.
exclude_newrelic_header: false
# New Relic's distributed tracing UI uses Span events to display traces across different services.
# Span events capture attributes that describe execution context and provide linking metadata.
# Span events require distributed tracing to be enabled.
# Set to false to disable Span events.
# Default is true.
enabled: true
# Determines the number of Span events that can be captured during an agent harvest cycle.
# Increasing the number of Span events can lead to additional agent overhead. A maximum value may be imposed server side by New Relic.
# Default is 2000
max_samples_stored: 2000
# Provides the ability to filter the attributes attached to Span events.
# Custom attributes can be added to Span events using the NewRelic.getAgent().getTracedMethod().addCustomAttribute(...) API.
# When true, attributes will be sent to New Relic. The default is true.
enabled: true
# A comma separated list of attribute keys whose values should be sent to New Relic.
# A comma separated list of attribute keys whose values should not be sent to New Relic.
# Thread profiler measures wall clock time, CPU time, and method call counts
# in your application's threads as they run.
# This feature is not available to Lite accounts and is automatically disabled.
# Set to false to disable the thread profiler.
# Default is true.
enabled: true
# New Relic Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you insight into the performance real users are
# experiencing with your website. This is accomplished by measuring the time it takes for
# your users' browsers to download and render your web pages by injecting a small amount
# of JavaScript code into the header and footer of each page.
# By default the agent automatically inserts API calls in compiled JSPs to
# inject the monitoring JavaScript into web pages. Not all rendering engines are supported.
# See https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/java-agent/instrumentation/new-relic-browser-java-agent#manual_instrumentation
# for instructions to add these manually to your pages.
# Set this attribute to false to turn off this behavior.
auto_instrument: true
# Class transformer can be used to disable all agent instrumentation or specific instrumentation modules.
# All instrumentation modules can be found here: https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-java-agent/tree/main/instrumentation
# This instrumentation reports the name of the user principal returned from
# HttpServletRequest.getUserPrincipal() when servlets and filters are invoked.
enabled: false
enabled: false
# This instrumentation reports metrics for resultset operations.
enabled: false
# Classes loaded by classloaders in this list will not be instrumented.
# This is a useful optimization for runtimes which use classloaders to
# load dynamic classes which the agent would not instrument.
# Enhanced Spring transaction naming.
# This feature will name any transaction that originates from a Spring controller after
# the defined route and HTTP method. For example: "/customer/v1/edit (POST)".
# This includes controllers that implement or extend interfaces/classes with WebMVC related
# annotations (@RestController, @Controller, @RequestMapping, etc). By default, this is configured
# to false, which will name transactions for those types of controllers based on the controller
# class name and method. For example; "CustomerController/edit". This is the naming logic carried
# over from previous agent versions. "Standard" controllers, with all relevant annotations
# present on the actual class, will still get named based on route and HTTP method.
enhanced_spring_transaction_naming: false
# Actuator endpoint transaction naming
# By default, built-in actuator endpoints and custom actuator endpoints (using the @Endpoint annotation
# and its subclasses) will all be named as "OperationHandler/handle" in New Relic. Setting this
# to true will result in the transaction name reflecting the actual base actuator endpoint URI.
# For example, invoking "/actuator/loggers" or "actuator/loggers/com.newrelic" will result in the
# transaction name "actuator/loggers (GET)". This is to prevent MGI.
# Default is false.
name_actuator_endpoints: false
# Real-time profiling using Java Flight Recorder (JFR).
# This feature reports dimensional metrics to the ingest endpoint configured by
# metric_ingest_uri and events to the ingest endpoint configured by event_ingest_uri.
# Both ingest endpoints default to US production but they will be automatically set to EU
# production when using an EU license key. Other ingest endpoints can be configured manually.
# Requires a JVM that provides the JFR library.
# Set to true to enable Real-time profiling with JFR.
# Default is false.
enabled: false
# Set to true to enable audit logging which will display all JFR metrics and events in each harvest batch.
# Audit logging is extremely verbose and should only be used for troubleshooting purposes.
# Default is false.
audit_logging: false
# The time interval, in seconds, of how often JFR data is sent to New Relic.
# The default is 10 seconds.
harvest_interval: 10
# The size of the queue used to store JFR events. Increasing this can reduce gaps in JFR reported data
# but can also cause resource issues in the agent or cause data to be dropped if backend pipeline
# limits are exceeded.
# See: https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/data-apis/ingest-apis/event-api/introduction-event-api/#limits
# https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/data-apis/ingest-apis/metric-api/metric-api-limits-restricted-attributes/
# Default is 250000
queue_size: 250000
# User-configurable custom labels for this agent. Labels are name-value pairs.
# There is a maximum of 64 labels per agent. Names and values are limited to 255 characters.
# Names and values may not contain colons (:) or semicolons (;).
# An example label
#label_name: label_value
# New Relic Security vulnerability detection.
# Determines whether the security data is sent to New Relic or not. When this is disabled and agent.enabled is
# true, the security module will run but data will not be sent. Default is false.
enabled: false
# New Relic Security provides two modes: IAST and RASP
# Default is IAST. Due to the invasive nature of IAST scanning, DO NOT enable this mode in either a
# production environment or an environment where production data is processed.
mode: IAST
# New Relic Security’s SaaS connection URL
validator_service_url: wss://csec.nr-data.net
# To completely disable all security functionality, set this flag to false. This property is
# read only once at application start. Default is false.
enabled: false
# This configuration allows users to specify a unique test identifier when running IAST Scan with CI/CD
iast_test_identifier: 'run-id'
# Security controllers
# The scan_request_rate_limit configuration allows to specify maximum number of replay request played per minute.
# The maximum is 3600 and the minimum is 12 replay request per minute.
iast_scan_request_rate_limit: 3600 # Number of IAST replay request played per minute, Default is 3600
# This configuration allows users to the number of application instances for a specific entity where IAST analysis is performed.
scan_instance_count: 0 # Values are 1 or 0, 0 signifies run on all application instances
# The scan_schedule configuration allows to specify when IAST scans should be executed
# The delay field specifies the delay in minutes before the IAST scan starts. This allows to schedule the scan to start at a later time.
delay: 0 #In minutes, default is 0 min
# The duration field specifies the duration of the IAST scan in minutes. This determines how long the scan will run.
duration: 0 #In minutes, default is forever
# The schedule field specifies a cron expression that defines when the IAST scan should start.
#schedule: "" #By default, schedule is inactive
# Allow continuously sample collection of IAST events
always_sample_traces: false # Default is false
# The exclude_from_iast_scan configuration allows to specify APIs, parameters, and categories that should not be scanned by Security Agents.
# The api field specifies list of APIs using regular expression (regex) patterns that follow the syntax of Perl 5. The regex pattern should provide a complete match for the URL without the endpoint.
# Example:
# api:
# - .*account.*
# - .*/\api\/v1\/.*?\/login
api: [ ]
# The parameters configuration allows users to specify headers, query parameters, and body keys that should be excluded from IAST scans.
# Example:
# http_request_parameters:
# header:
# - X-Forwarded-For
# query:
# - username
# - password
# body:
# - account.email
# - account.contact
# A list of HTTP header keys. If a request includes any headers with these keys, the corresponding IAST scan will be skipped.
header: [ ]
# A list of query parameter keys. The presence of these parameters in the request's query string will lead to skipping the IAST scan.
query: [ ]
# A list of keys within the request body. If these keys are found in the body content, the IAST scan will be omitted.
body: [ ]
# The iast_detection_category configuration allows to specify which categories of vulnerabilities should not be detected by Security Agents.
# If any of these categories are set to true, Security Agents will not generate events or flag vulnerabilities for that category.
insecure_settings: false
invalid_file_access: false
sql_injection: false
nosql_injection: false
ldap_injection: false
javascript_injection: false
command_injection: false
xpath_injection: false
ssrf: false
rxss: false
# Slow transaction detection will report an event to New Relic ("SlowTransaction") whenever a Transaction's
# time exceeds the threshold value (in ms). A transaction will only be reported once and by default, only
# transactions that are in-process during a harvest cycle will be checked. Only the slowest single transaction
# will be reported even if multiple transactions exceed the threshold.
enabled: true
threshold: 600000
# If this is set to true, every transaction will be checked for exceeding the defined threshold on
# transaction completion. Note that this can be computationally expensive since a stack trace is sent
# with every SlowTransaction event, if a large number of transaction exceed the threshold.
evaluate_completed_transactions: false
# Application Environments
# ------------------------------------------
# Environment specific settings are in this section.
# You can use the environment to override the default settings.
# For example, to change the app_name setting.
# Use -Dnewrelic.environment=<environment> on the Java startup command line
# to set the environment.
# The default environment is production.
# NOTE if your application has other named environments, you should
# provide configuration settings for these environments here.
<<: *default_settings
app_name: My Application (Development)
<<: *default_settings
app_name: My Application (Test)
<<: *default_settings
<<: *default_settings
app_name: My Application (Staging)