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Changes to entity GUIDs for hosts instrumented with OpenTelemetry

February 16, 2024

If you've instrumented infrastructure hosts with OpenTelemetry, you will need to update your host GUIDs to avoid breaking changes to your alerts and dashboards

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On March 27, 2024, the entity.guid value for hosts captured by the OpenTelemetry collector will change. This change only affects customers who use OpenTelemetry to instrument their infrastructure hosts.

What's changing?

  • On March 27, 2024, a backend change will regenerate values assigned to entity.guid in our database.
  • This change applies to customers who use the OpenTelemetry agent for instrumenting hosts. This change doesn’t affect other hosts instrumented with our other agents.
  • If you’ve created alerts and custom dashboards that use a defined, hardcoded value for entity.guid, then those alerts and dashboards will stop working.

Next steps

We recommend updating your dashboards and alert conditions ahead of the change using alternative attributes to identify your hosts. You can use these attributes instead:

  • host.name
  • host.id
  • entity.name

If you can't update your alert conditions or dashboards with alternative attributes, then we recommend updating entity.guid with the new value after the change on March 27, 2024.

For more information on entity GUIDs, refer to our documentation about New Relic entities.

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