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iOS agent v3.311

May 5, 2014Download



  • NSURLSession Instrumentation Beta

    The iOS agent now instruments NSURLSessions. Specifically, network requests created with NSURLSessionDataTask and NSURLSessionUploadTask. Network requests made using these objects will appear in the Mobile UI under the Network tab along with previously instrumented network requests.

    This feature is disabled by default. It can be enabled via the new configuration flags.

  • Configuration Flags Allow users to enable/disable New Relic features. This feature specifically added for Beta NSURLSession support, which is, by default, disabled.


  • Agent will no longer produces garbled server response bodies under Network > Errors > Error Traces.
  • Agent will no longer display the error message "threadLocalTrace is not parentTrace" when it isn't actually an error.
  • Agent will no longer trim the last traced method of an activity trace.
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