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PHP agent release notesRSS

March 12, 2018
PHP agent v8.0.0.204

Upgrade Notices

  • The newrelic.daemon.ssl ini setting has been removed to increase security. Transport Layer Security (TLS) will now always be used in communication with the New Relic collector.
  • Laravel Queue support has now been enabled for all users. If newrelic.feature_flag=laravel_queue is set, it will now be ignored.

Bug Fixes

  • On FreeBSD and Solaris, when newrelic.daemon.port is configured to use TCP to connect the agent to the daemon, the agent would have difficulty receiving application configuration data from the daemon due to the default timeout of 100 milliseconds matching the delay enforced by the FreeBSD kernel as part of its implementation of Nagle's algorithm. The PHP agent will now set the TCP_NODELAY flag when connecting to the daemon via TCP, which increases the reliability of the agent:daemon connection.

January 10, 2018
PHP agent v7.7.0.203

New Features

  • Support for PHP 7.2 has been added.

Bug Fixes

  • Datastore metrics would not be generated for Predis users who stopped and started the transaction after instantiating a Predis\Client object. This included users using the newrelic_set_appname() API. This has been fixed.

October 10, 2017
PHP agent v7.6.0.201

New Features

  • Internal functions can now be instrumented by enabling the newrelic.transaction_tracer.internal_functions_enabled configuration setting. When enabled, internal functions will appear in transaction traces like PHP functions.

    Note that enabling this option may result in transactions being slower, especially when collecting many traces from PHP 5.x. Enabling this option is only recommended when specifically debugging performance issues where an internal function is suspected to be slow.

Bug Fixes

August 29, 2017
PHP agent v7.5.0.199

New Features

  • A new API function for timing datastore functions that the PHP agent doesn't natively instrument has been added: newrelic_record_datastore_segment(). Documentation and usage examples can be found on the New Relic Documentation site.
  • The agent now collects additional metadata when running within AWS, GCP, Azure, and PCF. This information is used to provide an enhanced experience when the agent is deployed on those platforms.

Bug Fixes

  • On Laravel 5.4, previous versions of the PHP agent named transactions handled by routes without explicit names based on the request method and front controller name, instead of using the route URI as with other versions of Laravel. This has been fixed, and automatic transaction names are once again consistent across all Laravel versions.
  • When generating explain plans for queries issued with MySQLi, the PHP agent could bind parameters from the wrong query if the PHP object ID had been reused internally. This has been fixed.

July 5, 2017
PHP agent v7.4.0.198

Bug Fixes

  • On the first request served by a PHP process, a Drupal 6 or 7 hook that was invoked with module_invoke() before it had been invoked by module_invoke_all() could have its module name reported as an empty string. This has been fixed.
  • On PHP 7.0 and 7.1, a Drupal 6 or 7 hook invoked via module_invoke_all() could report the module name as an empty string in some situations. This has been fixed.

June 27, 2017
PHP agent v7.3.1.197

Bug Fixes

  • Users of Guzzle 4 or 5 may have seen crashes in version 7.3.0 of the PHP agent due to a bug in the agent's request shutdown instrumentation for that library. This has been fixed.

June 26, 2017
PHP agent v7.3.0.193

Upgrade Notices

  • Laravel Queue instrumentation has been updated to better interoperate with other New Relic APM features. It is possible that messages sent from PHP installs running version 7.3 (or later) of the PHP agent may not be correctly linked to the message queue worker transaction if the worker is running with version 7.2 or earlier of the PHP agent.

    If you use the Laravel Queue instrumentation, we recommend ensuring that all agents used to produce and consume messages are upgraded to version 7.3 simultaneously to avoid unexpected service map issues.

Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with extensions that install opcode handlers on PHP 7 has been improved, most notably with uopz. While we still do not recommend using other extensions that hook deeply into PHP (such as uopz, runkit, or xdebug) with the New Relic PHP agent, this change should result in improved functionality.
  • A potential segfault when using Predis in a session handler invoked at request shutdown has been fixed.
  • External requests issued using Guzzle 6 are now properly instrumented when the GuzzleHttp\Client class has been extended.

April 19, 2017
PHP agent v7.2.0.191

Upgrade Notices

  • Users of the newrelic-php5 Debian package with PHP 5.2: due to discontinued support of PHP 5.2, upgrading to version 7.x of the PHP agent may result in your applications no longer reporting to New Relic. We advise that you upgrade to a supported version of PHP.

    If upgrading PHP is not possible, you can use apt-get and dpkg to install version 6.9 of the PHP agent and then hold that installed version by running these commands as root:

    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade newrelic-php5-common= newrelic-daemon= newrelic-php5=
    echo 'newrelic-php5-common hold' | dpkg --set-selections

Bug Fixes

  • Automatic transaction naming has been fixed for Symfony 1 users who replaced the controller class via factories.yml with one that did not call sfFrontWebController::dispatch() or sfController::forward().
  • Datastore metrics could not be generated for Predis 0.7 and 0.8 in version 7.1 of the PHP agent. This has been fixed.
  • The agent would not report Zend_Http_Client external calls when the Zend Framework was used directly as a library or indirectly by a framework like Symfony or Magento. This has been fixed.

March 23, 2017
PHP agent v7.1.0.187

New Features

  • Added support for the MongoDB library

    The PHP agent now supports the MongoDB userland library, which is the recommended interface to the mongodb extension. Users of this library will see new metrics in the Databases tab, nodes in transaction traces, and breakdown metrics on individual transaction pages.

  • Database instance information available for Redis, Predis, and MongoDB

    Queries and commands issued using the PECL Redis extension, the Predis library, and the MongoDB library now capture instance information. Transaction traces now include the name of the host (including the port or socket) and database that the query was run against.

    Collection of host information can be disabled by setting newrelic.datastore_tracer.instance_reporting.enabled = false in the newrelic.ini. Similarly, the database name can be omitted with newrelic.datastore_tracer.database_name_reporting.enabled = false.

Upgrade Notices

  • Commands in Predis pipelines are now reported individually, rather than being rolled into a single pipeline query.

Bug Fixes

  • When using PHP 7.0 or 7.1, calling curl_setopt() with the CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER option and an array with elements that have been accessed by reference (for example, with foreach ($array as $k => &$v)) would result in the headers used by New Relic to track external calls overwriting other custom headers. This has been fixed.

February 21, 2017
PHP agent v7.0.0.186

New Relic PHP Agent Release Notes

End of Life Notices

  • The New Relic PHP agent no longer supports PHP 5.2. New Relic highly encourages upgrading to a supported version of PHP - 5.6 or higher. If you would like to continue running the New Relic PHP agent with PHP 5.2, we recommend using version 6.9 of the agent, however please note that we can only offer limited support in this case.

New Features

  • Automatic transaction naming for Magento 2 has been improved. Previously, only requests that were handled by Magento's normal routing were automatically named, which resulted in request types that utilized Magento's interceptor/plugin functionality being named as unknown. This primarily affected users of the REST or SOAP web services.

    REST and SOAP requests will now be named in the Webapi/Rest and Webapi/Soap namespaces, respectively, and will be named according to the service class and method that handle the request.

    Third party modules that add an interceptor on Magento\Framework\App\FrontControllerInterface to override the dispatch() method will result in transaction names that are based on the interceptor class name. New Relic recommends using the newrelic_name_transaction() API function from within the module to name the transaction if you require more precision.

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