The Roku Video Agent provides ad event monitoring through two different Ad APIs:
Install Roku Advertising Framework (RAF)
For RAF, no additional steps are required as the tracker is integrated within the NRAgent.
Install Google IMA
For IMA, ensure the following files are included in the project directory:
components/NewRelicAgent/trackers IMATracker.brs IMATracker.xmlsource/ IMATrackerInterface.brs
RAF usage
Pass the NRAgent object (created with the call to NewRelic(accountId, apiKey)
) to the Ads task using a field. Inside the Ads task, perform the following:
adIface = Roku_Ads()
' Ad Iface setup code...
logFunc = Function(obj = Invalid as Dynamic, evtType = invalid as Dynamic, ctx = invalid as Dynamic) 'Call RAF tracker, passing the event and context nrTrackRAF(obj, evtType, ctx)End Function
' is the reference to the field where we have the NRAgent objectadIface.setTrackingCallback(logFunc,
For a complete usage example, check out the files VideoScene.brs
(function setupVideoWithAds()
) and AdsTask.brs
in the present repo.
IMA usage
Create the IMA Tracker object:
tracker = IMATracker(
is the NRAgent object.
Pass the tracker object to the IMA SDK Task using a field and include the script IMATrackerInterface.brs
in the task XML. Inside the task, perform the following:
m.player.adBreakStarted = Function(adBreakInfo as Object) ' Ad break start code... ' Send AD_BREAK_START nrSendIMAAdBreakStart(, adBreakInfo) End Function
m.player.adBreakEnded = Function(adBreakInfo as Object) ' Ad break end code...
' Send AD_BREAK_END nrSendIMAAdBreakEnd(, adBreakInfo) End Function
' ...
m.streamManager.addEventListener(m.sdk.AdEvent.START, startCallback) m.streamManager.addEventListener(m.sdk.AdEvent.FIRST_QUARTILE, firstQuartileCallback) m.streamManager.addEventListener(m.sdk.AdEvent.MIDPOINT, midpointCallback) m.streamManager.addEventListener(m.sdk.AdEvent.THIRD_QUARTILE, thirdQuartileCallback) m.streamManager.addEventListener(m.sdk.AdEvent.COMPLETE, completeCallback)
Function startCallback(ad as Object) as Void ' Send AD_START nrSendIMAAdStart(, ad) End Function
Function firstQuartileCallback(ad as Object) as Void ' Send AD_QUARTILE (first) nrSendIMAAdFirstQuartile(, ad) End Function
Function midpointCallback(ad as Object) as Void ' Send AD_QUARTILE (midpoint) nrSendIMAAdMidpoint(, ad) End Function
Function thirdQuartileCallback(ad as Object) as Void ' Send AD_QUARTILE (third) nrSendIMAAdThirdQuartile(, ad) End Function
Function completeCallback(ad as Object) as Void ' Send AD_END nrSendIMAAdEnd(, ad) End Function
is the tracker object passed to the task.
For a complete usage example, check out the files VideoScene.brs
(function setupVideoWithIMA()
) and imasdk.brs