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iOS agent v7.4.6

July 24, 2023Download

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed framework signing to be compatible with Xcode 15.
  • Fixed compatibility with RxWebKit.

Other notes

  • With this release the dsym-upload-tools are no longer included inside the XCFramework. The dsym-upload-tools are available in the dsym-upload-tools folder of the https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-ios-agent-spm Swift Package Manager repository. Please copy this dsym-upload-tools directory to your applications source code directory if you are integrating the New Relic iOS Agent by copying XCFramework into project or using cocoapods.

Please use the run script below in your Xcode build phases to perform symbol upload steps during app builds in Xcode.

SCRIPT=`/usr/bin/find "${SRCROOT}" "${ARTIFACT_DIR}" -type f -name run-symbol-tool | head -n 1`
/bin/sh "${SCRIPT}" "APP_TOKEN"
  • Instrumentation of async await url sessions that was added in v7.4.1 has been moved behind a feature flag. To use that feature, include the NRFeatureFlag_SwiftAsyncURLSessionSupport flag in the enableFeatures function.

  • In version 7.4.6 of the iOS agent, the Python-based symbol upload scripts were removed. Update to the Swift based script.

  • This artifact was built using Xcode 14.3 with a minimum deployment target of iOS version 9.0. Compatible with CocoaPods 1.10 or higher and Swift Package Manager. The agent should be used with the latest Xcode version (Xcode 14.3 at the time of release).

  • Swift Package Manager is the preferred installation method.

Support statement

  • As of iOS agent version 7.4.1, the iOS agent will consolidate previously separate XCFramework and tvOS agents into a singular iOS agent.
  • As of this release, the oldest supported version of the XCFramework is 7.3.2.
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