iOS agent v7.4.1

February 22, 2023Download

Fixed in this release

  • Added Network Monitoring support for async URLSession functions.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause conflicts with other iOS network monitoring tools such as FlipperKit.
  • Fixed an issue where install metrics were not sent with initial metric payload.
  • Fixed an issue that caused irrelevant logs to be printed to the console.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause crashes when monitoring network failures.

Other notes

  • Apple no longer supports bitcode-based submissions to the App Store. The New Relic iOS agent should not be used with bitcode-based apps. The included dSYM upload script will not work with bitcode-based apps.

  • Deprecation notice: The 7.4.0 version introduced a new Swift symbol upload script. See installation instructions for details on how to update to the new script. In a future version of the iOS agent, the Python-based symbol upload scripts will be removed.

  • This artifact was built using Xcode 14.2 with a minimum deployment target of iOS version 9.0. Compatible with CocoaPods 1.10 or higher and Swift Package Manager. The agent should be used with the latest Xcode version (Xcode 14.2 at the time of release).

  • For Mac Catalyst, the zip file installation may integrate more easily than using CocoaPods.

Support statement

  • As of this release, the iOS agent will consolidate previously separate XCFramework and tvOS agents into a singular iOS agent.
  • As of this release, the oldest supported version is 7.3.0 of the XCFramework.