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iOS agent release notesRSS

February 9, 2018
iOS agent v6.1.1

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed an agent hang when relaunching an app after a crash. In some cases, the agent would appear to deadlock in the agent's startWithApplicationToken:appToken method after relaunching, which has been addressed.

December 14, 2017
iOS agent v6.1.0

New in this release

  • MobileRequestError events now contain the response body returned in the network request response, if one exists. Response bodies will only be reported if the http response body header capture feature flag is enabled. HttpResponseBodyCapture is enabled by default. Response body data will be limited to the first 4096 bytes (the Insights attribute limit).
  • MobileRequestError events now also contain any cross-application tracing (CAT) data returned in the response headers. See Introduction to cross-application traces for more information.

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed a memory leak in NRMAReachability.

tvOS agent v6.1.0

New in this release

  • MobileRequestError events now contain the response body returned in the network request response, if one exists. Response bodies will only be reported if the http response body capture feature flag is enabled. HttpResponseBodyCapture is enabled by default. Response body data will be limited to the first 4096 bytes (the Insights attribute limit).
  • MobileRequestError events now also contain any cross-application tracing (CAT) data returned in the response headers. See Introduction to cross-application traces for more information.

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed a memory leak in NRMAReachability.

November 8, 2017
iOS agent v6.0.0

Major release

This agent release was built with Xcode 9, breaking backwards compatibility with older versions of Xcode.


  • Swift error support.

This release adds a new API in the NewRelic object +recordError:(NSError*)error withAttributes:(NSDictionary*)attributes;. This allows Swift errors to be recorded as MobileHandledException events and to be viewable in the Handled Exception Mobile UI page.

  • MobileRequest events are on by default.

MobileRequest events will now be transmitted by default. They can be turned off by calling [NewRelic disableFeatures:NRFeatureFlag_NetworkRequestEvents] before [NewRelic startWithApplicationToken:...].

  • Improved post build script.

Symbol files will now be processed at build time and uploaded to New Relic using the postbuild.sh, rather than uploading the entire dSYM at build time. This will reduce network overhead as well as improve the time it takes for crashes to symbolicate.


  • Fixed low frequency crash in NRMAHarvestableMetric.m:45.
  • Resolved memory leaks.

tvOS agent v6.0.0

Major release

This agent release was built with Xcode 9, breaking backwards compatibility with older versions of Xcode.


  • Swift error support.

This release adds a new API in the NewRelic object +recordError:(NSError*)error withAttributes:(NSDictionary*)attributes;. This allows Swift errors to be recorded as MobileHandledException events and to be viewable in the Handled Exception Mobile UI page.

  • MobileRequest events are on by default.

MobileRequest events will now be transmitted by default. They can be turned off by calling [NewRelic disableFeatures:NRFeatureFlag_NetworkRequestEvents] before [NewRelic startWithApplicationToken:...].

  • Improved post build script.

Symbol files will now be processed at build time and uploaded to New Relic using the postbuild.sh, rather than uploading the entire dSYM at build time. This will reduce network overhead as well as improve the time it takes for crashes to symbolicate.


  • Fixed low frequency crash in NRMAHarvestableMetric.m:45.
  • Resolved memory leaks.

October 17, 2017
iOS agent v5.15.0


The iOS agent now exposes an API on the NewRelic object:

+recordHandledException:(NSException* _Nonnull)exception attributes:(NSDictionary* _Nullable)attributes.

Passing a caught exception to this API will record details as a MobileHandledException event and record the thread details of the exception. This information will be available in the new UI for handled exceptions.

A new feature flag is available, NRFeatureFlag_HandledExceptionEvents. This toggles the generation of MobileHandledExceptions events and auxiliary data. It is enabled by default


  • Fixed memory leak introduced by NSURLSession instrumentation.

tvOS agent v5.15.0


  • Handled Exceptions in Objective-C

The tvOS agent now exposes an API on the NewRelic object:

+recordHandledException:(NSException* _Nonnull)exception attributes:(NSDictionary* _Nullable)attributes.

Passing a caught exception to this API will record details as a MobileHandledException event and record the thread details of the exception. This information will be available in the new UI for handled exceptions.

A new feature flag is available, NRFeatureFlag_HandledExceptionEvents. This toggles the generation of MobileHandledExceptions events and auxiliary data. It is enabled by default


  • Fixed memory leak introduced by NSURLSession instrumentation.

August 1, 2017
iOS agent v5.14.2


  • Fixes crash in WKWebView instrumentation caused by a nil WKNavigation object being passed to the web view delegate methods.

July 11, 2017
iOS agent v5.14.1


  • Removed URL parameters from MobileRequest and MobileRequestError events. The concern being there may be confidential information contained in these parameters.

tvOS agent v5.14.1


  • Removed URL parameters from MobileRequestError and MobileRequest events. The concern being there may be confidential information contained in these parameters.

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