Android agent release notesRSS

October 18, 2016
Android agent v5.8.4


  • Fixed content length tracking and reporting failure for Retrofit ResponseBody contents.

October 3, 2016
Android agent v5.8.3

Update for OkHttp3 instrumentation

  • This release updates OkHttp3 instrumentation. OkHttp3 instrumentation is the automatic instrumentation for apps using the OkHttp version 3 HTTP client library for synchronous and asynchronous network requests. OkUrlFactory is also now supported when used with OkHttp3 client.


  • Fixed the class cast exception crash when using OkHttp3 web sockets.

September 29, 2016
Android agent v5.8.2


  • Addressed a potential crash that could occur when using OkHttp3 with both interceptors and caching.

September 26, 2016
Android agent v5.8.0

New in this release

  • Add support for OkHttp3 instrumentation
    This release adds automatic instrumentation for apps using the OkHttp version 3 HTTP client library for synchronous and asynchronous network requests. OkUrlFactory is also now supported when used with OkHttp3 client.


  • Improved interaction reporting
    The app's main activity, not Android SDK subclasses, is now reported as the default interaction.
  • Fixed NPE when reading from instrumented InputStream instances.
  • Fixed unhandled MeasurementException crash in when renaming interactions.
  • Added session attributes missing from crash reports.

September 2, 2016
Android agent v5.7.1

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed a hang due to a sampling race condition that occurred when an app's crash was uploaded to New Relic.

August 4, 2016
Android agent v5.7.0

New in this release

  • We are pleased to announce support for Dexguard.
    • Full build time compatibility with Dexguard version 7.2.04 or higher
    • Full instrumentation support
    • De-obfuscated crash report stack traces


  • The New Relic Gradle plugin depends on the Android application or library plugin having been installed first. The New Relic plugin now throws a Gradle runtime exception, which includes instructions on how to fix the problem, if it is applied before Android.
  • Interaction trace completion was blocked on the sampling tasks running during the interaction. Any running sample tasks are stopped immediately when the interaction trace completes.


  • The Android agent now requires Proguard version 5.0 or higher for Proguard support

May 31, 2016
Android agent v5.6.1


  • Fixes crashes when initializing JsonObject instances with null values. The class constructor now throws a JSONException if the passed JSON string argument is null.
  • Fixes crashes that resulted from attempting to determine the root cause of an unhandled exception.
  • Fixes very rare crashes when OkHttp2 returns a null Response object following a network request.

May 4, 2016
Android agent v5.6.0


  • Improved OkHttp2 error reporting

    A set of OkHttp2 request exceptions, previously listed as Unknown errors, have been adapted to reportable error types.

  • Reduce upload attempts for cached crash reports

    Crash reports that are collected, but cannot be immediately uploaded, are saved locally. Saved crashes are uploaded to the crash collectors as part of agent initialization, and if the upload was successful, the local copy is removed. Otherwise, the upload is tried again the next time the app is launched, and this would go on until the upload was successful. To limit accumulation, and reduce old or duplicated crash reports, the agent now limits retries to three attempts.


  • Fixes crash when initializing JsonArray instances with null values. Throws JSONException if the passed JSON string argument is null.
  • Fixes certain crashes resulting from NoClassDefFoundError exceptions thrown by multi-dexed apps compiled for Dalvik on platforms prior to Lollipop (Android 5.0, API level 21).

March 8, 2016
Android agent v5.5.0


This release adds a new feature flag, DefaultInteractions, that controls whether automatically instrumented (default) interactions are collected by the agent. With auto-instrumented interactions disabled, only custom interactions (interactions created through the public New Relic agent API) will be recorded. This flag is enabled by default, and is disabled by calling



  • Fixes a problem reading a response body in asynchronous network requests via OkHttp, which was introduced by version 5.4.1.

February 10, 2016
Android agent v5.4.1


  • Prevent duplication of the New Relic HTTP header used for cross application tracing ('X-NewRelic-Id') if the request is replayed through OkHttp
  • The agent will now send the HTTP header 'X-NewRelic-Id' (used for cross application tracing) using exactly that casing (it was previously lowercased)
  • Failed OkHttp requests will now correctly report the full error response body


This release will be the last to support the New Relic Eclipse plugin for Eclipse IDE's. Eclipse users are encouraged to use the Eclipse Gradle plugin or migrate to Android Studio. Eclipse users may continue to use this (5.4.1) or any previous agent release.