Kubernetes integration v1.15.0

February 27, 2020


Follow standard procedures to install or update the New Relic integration for Kubernetes.


  • Added: support for querying Kube State Metrics (KSM) instances behind kube-rbac-proxy. This feature only works when paired with the label-based KSM discovery (see release notes of version 1.11.0 for more information). This adds two new environment variables that allow deeper configuration of the feature:
    • KUBE_STATE_METRICS_SCHEME: Whether the query should use the http or https protocols. Defaults to http and doesn't introduce a breaking change in behavior.
    • KUBE_STATE_METRICS_PORT: The port in which the kube-rbac-proxy instance is listening on. You can confirm this by describing your KSM pod. Defaults to 8080 and doesn't introduce a breaking change in behavior.
  • Added: Added 4 new environment variables to explicitly set the control plane component base URLs. These variables can be used for Kubernetes configurations, such as OpenShift, that are different than the defaults defined in the section Discovery of master nodes and control plane components. See the section OpenShift 4.x Configuration for more information.
    • SCHEDULER_ENDPOINT_URL: The base URL of the scheduler pod metrics endpoint. The default is the empty string. In this case, the default configuration will be used.
    • ETCD_ENDPOINT_URL: The base URL of the ETCD pod metrics endpoint. The default is the empty string. In this case, the default configuration will be used.
    • CONTROLLER_MANAGER_ENDPOINT_URL: The base URL of the controller manager pod metrics endpoint. The default is the empty string. In this case, the default configuration will be used.
    • API_SERVER_ENDPOINT_URL: The base URL of the API server pod metrics endpoint. The default is the empty string. In this case, the default configuration will be used.
  • Fixed: A bug preventing attributes named like selector.<label_name> from being added to some entries in the K8sServiceSample.
  • Changed: The integration now uses newrelic/infrastructure-bundle as the base image. The tag used is for the version 1.2.0. For more information on this image please see the New Relic Infrastructure Bundle releases notes.