Infrastructure agent v1.19.0

June 29, 2021


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update the Infrastructure agent. We recommend you to upgrade the agent every 3 months.


#589 Detailed log to help troubleshoot payloads sent to New Relic platform when pushing event samples (non dimensional metrics). This example shows how to enable trace-level logging. #212 A temporal hostType value for boxes running in the cloud is defined until cloud identifier gets resolved.


#562 Log forwarder as "recommended" package dependency in linux systems.

  • Supported distributions have enabled "recommends" declared dependencies out of the box. Unless this is disabled, installation should be transparent.
  • In case your distribution has disabled "recommends" dependencies you'll need to explicitly enable it via apt-get -o APT::Install-Suggests="true" install newrelic-infra.

#552 Goreleaser updated to version 0.169.0