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Ruby agent v5.4.0

September 11, 2018Download


  • Capacity analysis for multi-threaded dispatchers

    Metrics around capacity analysis did not previously account for multi-threaded dispatchers and consequently could result in capacities of over 100% being recorded. This version now properly accounts for multi-threaded dispatchers.

  • NewRelic::Agent.disable_transaction_tracing deprecated

    NewRelic::Agent.disable_transaction_tracing has been deprecated. Users are encouraged to use NewRelic::Agent.disable_all_tracing or NewRelic::Agent.ignore_transaction instead.

  • Bugfix for SQL over-obfuscation

    A bug, introduced in v5.3.0, where SQL could be over-obfuscated for some database adapters has been fixed.

  • Bugfix for span event data in Resque processes

    Previously, some users encountered a bug where span events would not be sent from Resque processes due to a missing endpoint, resulting in errors containing the text NoMethodError: undefined method span_event_data.

    Span events can now be successfully sent from Resque processes.

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