PHP agent v7.2.0.191

April 19, 2017

Upgrade Notices

  • Users of the newrelic-php5 Debian package with PHP 5.2: due to discontinued support of PHP 5.2, upgrading to version 7.x of the PHP agent may result in your applications no longer reporting to New Relic. We advise that you upgrade to a supported version of PHP.

    If upgrading PHP is not possible, you can use apt-get and dpkg to install version 6.9 of the PHP agent and then hold that installed version by running these commands as root:

    apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade newrelic-php5-common= newrelic-daemon= newrelic-php5=
    echo 'newrelic-php5-common hold' | dpkg --set-selections

Bug Fixes

  • Automatic transaction naming has been fixed for Symfony 1 users who replaced the controller class via factories.yml with one that did not call sfFrontWebController::dispatch() or sfController::forward().
  • Datastore metrics could not be generated for Predis 0.7 and 0.8 in version 7.1 of the PHP agent. This has been fixed.
  • The agent would not report Zend_Http_Client external calls when the Zend Framework was used directly as a library or indirectly by a framework like Symfony or Magento. This has been fixed.