PHP agent v4.9.0.54

May 20, 2014


The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.


New Features

  • Added new local setting to enable high-security mode. newrelic.high_security = false

    This setting is false by default. When set to true, this setting has the following effects:

    • Data will not be sent to New Relic unless the newrelic-daemon is using SSL.
    • Raw SQL strings will never be gathered, regardless of the value of newrelic.transaction_tracer.record_sql.
    • Request parameters will never be captured, regardless of the value of newrelic.capture_params.
    • The following API functions will have no effect, and will return false: newrelic_add_custom_parameter newrelic_set_user_attributes

    If you change this setting, you must also change the RPM UI security setting. If the two settings do not match, then no data will be collected.

  • Introduce new attribute configuration scheme.

    All parameters captured by the agent and created by the newrelic_add_custom_parameter API call are now considered attributes and have a new set of INI configuration options. As a result, the newrelic.capture_params and newrelic.ignored_params configuration options have been deprecated. The newrelic.ignored_params comparison will now be case-sensitive.

    For full information, please see the documentation.

Bug Fixes

  • The Laravel 4.0 framework is now supported in a manner analogous to the existing support for Laravel 4.1. (The portion of the routing code that is instrument changed the function names and arguments slightly going from Laravel 4.0 to Laravel 4.1.)
  • Fix potential metric grouping issue with Kohana transaction naming. Previously, the agent would treat the first two segments of the request URI as the controller and action when no route was found. Now the agent will use 'unknown' as the transaction name when no route is found. This is consistent with the behavior for other frameworks.