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Node.js agent v6.0.0

October 29, 2019Download


  • Added official parity support for Node 12.

    • Exception: Errors resulting in unhandled rejections will no longer be scoped to the transaction that was active when the rejected promise was created.

      As of Node 12, the promise responsible for triggering the init async hook will no longer be passed through on the promise wrap instance. This breaks the linkage used to relate a given promise rejection to the transaction it was scheduled in.

  • BREAKING Removed support for Node 6, 7, and 9.

    The minimum supported version is now Node v8. For further information on our support policy, see: https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/agents/nodejs-agent/getting-started/compa....

    • Bumped version of @newrelic/superagent instrumentation to v2.0.0.
    • Bumped version of @newrelic/native-metrics to v5.0.0.
  • BREAKING Bumped version of @newrelic/koa instrumentation to v3.0.0 @newrelic/koa update includes changes to transaction naming in addition to dropping Node versions 6, 7, and 9. See @newrelic/koarelease notes for what was included in v2.0.0 and v3.0.0 updates. https://github.com/newrelic/node-newrelic-koa/blob/master/NEWS.md.

  • BREAKING max_samples_stored behavior has changed to replace max_samples_per_minute. max_samples_per_minute is no longer a configuration parameter.

    The new behavior for max_samples_stored is as follows: "The agent will collect all events up to this number per minute. If there are more than that, a statistical sampling will be collected." This usage of the configuration is consistent with other New Relic APM agents.

    If your application has previously used max_samples_per_minute as an upper bound, you may need to lower the threshold to a valid maximum to avoid data being dropped on the server. No larger than 10k is recommended.

  • Updated utilization callback test to point to a host that can't represent a valid provider. Previously, location where CI provider runs tests could cause test to fail.

  • Added support for Promise.allSettled() method in Bluebird 3.7.

  • Bumped mongodb dev dependency past security warning.

  • Fixed mongodb versioned tests so they are self-contained by using version under test for setup/teardown instead of agent dev-dependency version.

  • Forced filename resolution if not already cached on module load. This should not occur in normal/non-test scenarios but provides a fall-back to maintain functionality.

  • Refactored restify versioned tests to be less dependent on the order of asynchronous operations.

  • Updated README to reference Pug rather than Jade.

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