Java agent v5.7.0

September 25, 2019Download


  • Java 13

    The New Relic Java agent is now fully compatible with version 13 of the OpenJDK and Hotspot JDKs.

Bug fixes

  • Calls to NewRelic.getAgent().getTracedMethod().addOutboundRequestHeaders() will no longer throw an exception if a traced method has started but a transaction has not. This could happen by calling this in a method annotated with @Trace(async=true) before a token is linked.
  • Updates Guava to the newest release.
  • NoClassDefFoundError would occur in agent logs when a spring controller is used without a root level RequestMapping annotation.
  • The gc_time metric, which was enabled by default in version 5.2.0, has now been disabled by default since its results are often misleading.