Java agent v3.1.0

October 21, 2013Download


The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.

  • Percentiles and Histograms

    The Java Agent now captures data that provides percentile and histogram views in the New Relic UI.

  • JAX-RS annotation instrumentation

    The Java Agent now instruments and names web transactions based on annotations.

  • JAX-WS instrumentation

    The Java Agent now instruments methods on classes that are marked with the javax.jws.WebService annotation.

  • Fix: In some cases, agent had excessive overhead on Spring AOP apps

    The agent should now perform well for any Spring AOP application.

  • Fix: Play Framework instrumentation was ignoring the ignoreTransaction call

    The Play Framework 2.x instrumentation now honors the New Relic API ignoreTransaction call.

  • Fix: Potential memory leak when app continually creates ClassLoaders

    The Java Agent now handles applications where ClassLoaders are continuously created.

  • Fix: Agent zip distribution did not include the API source jar

    The newrelic-api-sources.jar is now included in the zip file.